i think i drink too much probiotics


Well-Known Member
i feel light headed when i stand up quite frequently.

granted im extra baked lately.

i drink probiotics every day a few times a day and i think the amount of yeast in my stomach has cultured a noticeable amount of alcohol in my stomach. Enough to cause dizzyness when mixed with THC.

yea i eat the same thing everyday pretty much. yogurt, kale, fruit, peanut butter smoothie. cupple gulps of EM, and a kombucha when i need a soda at the movies or something. if someone cut me open, there would be an enormous white cloud of bacteria just exploding out of my torso.
Sounds like low blood sugar?

You eat alot of Kiefer and Greek yogurts?
and bacon, chocolate, salads, etc.

low blood sugar is what it sounds like to me.... i didnt consider that