I Think I Found A Good Stoner Job


New Member
This is what I am thinking too...They do have one major perk though, they finance....I did go to several banks yesterday and talked with them. They are encouraging me to apply for a business loan. I was told the banks are starting to lend again for small businesses. We will see. If the franchise gets me it will be because of the financing. If I can get the loan on my own, I am doing it on my own.
When I was out yesterday I hit some major sports bar down here. A few had the machines and I was told they fill up before they are emptied. Several of the bar owners told me they are a hit. That raised my spirits, for sure.:peace:

if they provide everything for you and finance it too, whats in it for them?


Well-Known Member
if they provide everything for you and finance it too, whats in it for them?
They charge 10K per route and you get 3 machines. These machines run around 1500. on the net. So they would be charging me 10K for 3 machines and the Balto. route....If I buy the machines myself I could get 6, just not the security of them selling to other people in Baltimore. I think I will take that risk!:mrgreen:


New Member
They charge 10K per route and you get 3 machines. These machines run around 1500. on the net. So they would be charging me 10K for 3 machines and the Balto. route....If I buy the machines myself I could get 6, just not the security of them selling to other people in Baltimore. I think I will take that risk!:mrgreen:
why not just start with one, save up for it if you have to and see how it works out, taking the easiest route always costs you


Well-Known Member
why not just start with one, save up for it if you have to and see how it works out, taking the easiest route always costs you
That is some good advice! Thanks! My personality is the type that I tend to go all in, full force....Not a good thing.:( The way you are suggesting is cautious and I like it! Thanks again. +rep:peace:


Well-Known Member
I think it might take off, I really do. She said the bars and clubs really seem to be receptive of it and the patrons use them. As far as the start up costs, they do offer financing too. I was thinking of getting a partner and using this to offset my income. I don't know, that is why I am putting it out here, I would like to hear if anyone can think of any negatives not to do this. It has my interest pretty good.:joint::joint:
the only neg i see is that some people may not want to see what their bac is (and everyone else in the bar to see it ) before they drive home anyway.
and maybe some lost booze sales to the bar owner...


Well-Known Member
This thing is meant to be a game....Once you put your money in, it lights up and makes sounds like Nascar. Then you blow in while it is revving the engines...then it gives the results. It really is for entertainment purposes only. I think I would play with it when I am out with my girls...I know I would.
We will see, but, I am looking to make a move on this within the week. So you guys can sit back and watch and I will post accurate details, like how much money it is pulling in and out of what kind of bars. If it pans out, I will be able to help a lot of stoners get a job that doesn't require piss testing! That is my objective, to not alter my lifestyle in order to feed myself.
I am feeling good about this, I really am.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I might end up in Baltimore later this summer!! :D You've gotta tell me what bars you put 'em in, because I will make a point to stop by and give the machine some business. :D


Well-Known Member
I might end up in Baltimore later this summer!! :D You've gotta tell me what bars you put 'em in, because I will make a point to stop by and give the machine some business. :D
Got my loan approved today and I ended up ordering 5 of these things.:)

So far, I have an in with The Gentlemans Club and Fantasies...both pretty big strip clubs. So if you like strip clubs, check them out!! You may even see me there, let me know when you will be in town! I have 3 more to place and I am going to wait until they are in my hands to do it. They told me 2 to 3 weeks to get here. I want to put the last 3 in Sports Bars...But, it is all starting to happen!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Random thought here....The machines come with the standard disclaimer on the machines, I can put whatever else I want on them. I was thinking of getting my hackers license and putting a sticker on the machine saying something like "Too Drunk To Drive? Call 555-555-5555 for a ride...Cheapest In Town" Then I could go and pick up the drunks and take them home and charge them while doing so. Just a thought....any input would be appreciated.:)


Well-Known Member
Damn. I read through this thread the other day and your idea seems great Sunny! I'm always looking for a way to make some easy (and legal) money. Let me know how it goes...

I live in a big city and bar hop frequently, but have NEVER seen these machines around. I've looked into the legality of it all and they're not prohibited by law. I've the cash just sitting in the bank, so may very well look into it.


Well-Known Member
Damn. I read through this thread the other day and your idea seems great Sunny! I'm always looking for a way to make some easy (and legal) money. Let me know how it goes...

I live in a big city and bar hop frequently, but have NEVER seen these machines around. I've looked into the legality of it all and they're not prohibited by law. I've the cash just sitting in the bank, so may very well look into it.
I think it will work. I did end up ordering through the site that I linked in the beginning of this thread. She has different packages, I went for the 5 machines and 5 zip codes. It ran me $14K, and I didn't use their financing, I went and got my own. I have also been talking with other vendors she already has in different states and so far I think it has potential. I will update this thread with what exactly these machines do for me. Hopefully, I will make some money. I figure I can keep a regular full time job and run this at the same time and if it takes off I will buy more and take it on full time. If you look into it, just call the number on her site. She is the owner and she answers the phone directly. I should add, I also had an attorney write up the contracts, we did not use hers and she was okay with that. Let me know if you end up doing it too.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I think it will work. I did end up ordering through the site that I linked in the beginning of this thread. She has different packages, I went for the 5 machines and 5 zip codes. It ran me $14K, and I didn't use their financing, I went and got my own. I have also been talking with other vendors she already has in different states and so far I think it has potential. I will update this thread with what exactly these machines do for me. Hopefully, I will make some money. I figure I can keep a regular full time job and run this at the same time and if it takes off I will buy more and take it on full time. If you look into it, just call the number on her site. She is the owner and she answers the phone directly. I should add, I also had an attorney write up the contracts, we did not use hers and she was okay with that. Let me know if you end up doing it too.:peace:
Will do. I'm calling her tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Its nothing more then a Novelty and Gimmick. Like was said before...Why isnt the manufacturer setting up a second business to distribute and maintain these things? They could pay employees $10 an hour and keep ALL the profits for themselves. There wouldnt even be any competition between franchises because they would own it all.

I think its a bad idea. Its easy to get swept up into these things. It might make a bit of money for the first month or two, but after a couple months people stop using them.

Put it this way, If you went to a bar that had one, would you use it Every time? Or would you try the thing out once, have a laugh, then go spend your money on pull tabs..:wink:

So basically, all the regular customers might use it once at most. Then your relying on people who dont normally go to that bar or dont normally drink....and honestly....I dont think you can really rely on that crowd to fund your business, Especially this type of business.

Then theres all the other problems associated with them. People stealing the straws, the machines get dirty and gross over time (like any vending machine) so you have to constantly clean the units, or replace them every year because no one wants to blow on a dirty, greasy looking breathalyzer.

I dunno, I just think its a bad idea. And the lady who you have contacted, what exactly is her role in this whole franchise deal? Does she just sit on her ass signing up new people then act as a middleman and order the machines then send them to you at increased cost?

So what does that make you in the franchise deal? You have to be the frontline salesman, you have to be the maintenance person, and YOU have to deal with all the BS that may be associated with this type of business....like Vandalism, Im sure Mrs. Franchise lady wont have a problem charging you full price..or the "discount" as she calls it for a new machine.

If you want to do some research, you should find out who manufactures the machines, then go over her head and find out how much SHE is paying for them. You might be fairly surprised..

Another thought....Why dont you just order some machines from a manufacturer?? For 10k you could probably buy 4-5 of these things and run your own damn business, Same deal except no franchise fees, no boss, and no Debt.



Well-Known Member
Its nothing more then a Novelty and Gimmick. Like was said before...Why isnt the manufacturer setting up a second business to distribute and maintain these things? They could pay employees $10 an hour and keep ALL the profits for themselves. There wouldnt even be any competition between franchises because they would own it all.

I think its a bad idea. Its easy to get swept up into these things. It might make a bit of money for the first month or two, but after a couple months people stop using them.

Put it this way, If you went to a bar that had one, would you use it Every time? Or would you try the thing out once, have a laugh, then go spend your money on pull tabs..:wink:

So basically, all the regular customers might use it once at most. Then your relying on people who dont normally go to that bar or dont normally drink....and honestly....I dont think you can really rely on that crowd to fund your business, Especially this type of business.

Then theres all the other problems associated with them. People stealing the straws, the machines get dirty and gross over time (like any vending machine) so you have to constantly clean the units, or replace them every year because no one wants to blow on a dirty, greasy looking breathalyzer.

I dunno, I just think its a bad idea. And the lady who you have contacted, what exactly is her role in this whole franchise deal? Does she just sit on her ass signing up new people then act as a middleman and order the machines then send them to you at increased cost?

So what does that make you in the franchise deal? You have to be the frontline salesman, you have to be the maintenance person, and YOU have to deal with all the BS that may be associated with this type of business....like Vandalism, Im sure Mrs. Franchise lady wont have a problem charging you full price..or the "discount" as she calls it for a new machine.

If you want to do some research, you should find out who manufactures the machines, then go over her head and find out how much SHE is paying for them. You might be fairly surprised..

Another thought....Why dont you just order some machines from a manufacturer?? For 10k you could probably buy 4-5 of these things and run your own damn business, Same deal except no franchise fees, no boss, and no Debt.

Everything you have said I have asked myself and they are valid points. She owns the distribution center, she is the manufacturer. She has the patent on this particular breath alyzer. I have comparison shopped, and, hers is the only one with 18gauge steel, with a 2 yr warranty as well as a technician at the distribution center that is available to replace any machine within 24 hrs. She will also not sell to anyone within the zip codes I have chosen. She checks out on the BBB and I have checked her licensing and she does indeed own a distribution center in NC and she is listed as the manufacturer. Her machines are tight.
You also bring up a good point about the first month being good and then going down from there. This would of been a mistake I would of made too, except I have been talking other vendors that have up to 20 machines and have been running them for over a year now, and he told me to avoid neighborhood bars because the novelity will wear off. He is making out of his best machines, in sports bars, $400. week as of current and has been doing so for over a year. I have talked to several active vendors that have bought into her franchise. It is a risk, but, I have learned over the years that sometimes that is what is needed to achieve. I have owned several businesses and this one, by far, is the least expensive. And, I can honestly say that I have always atleast broken even. But, there is always a first time to lose and this could be the one for me...Time will tell.:peace:


Well-Known Member
If she has patents and technicians that is definitely a good thing.

Yeah, your 100% right though, its not impossible, its just not like Everyone can do it. If she is truly willing to Not sell to other people in your area (which I find a little odd) then it would help a bit. Not that it would really matter though, because once you have all the good bars in that area it doesnt matter who else she sells to.

Yeah, Avoiding neighborhood bars, or local hangouts is KEY. You gotta be finding the Big time after work sports bars and the big clubs and places like that.

Im even interested in this myself, but it would take some serious leg work and I wanna see how this thread plays out.

Do you owe anything to franchise company after you buy your machines? Like do you have to pay set fees to be part of the franchise or do you just buy the machines and then you work out the 30% deal or whatever with the bars??



Well-Known Member
No fees. I am literally buying her machines, I own them. She agrees not to sell in the area codes I have selected in my area. With the 2 I already have placed I worked out an agreement of a 30% 30% 40% split. 30 to the bar, 30 to me, 40 back into my company for upkeep and future growth. I will need to go in once a week and empty the machines, do wipe down and replace straws. Do my split with the bar owner and roll. I did become an LLC and I am doing this legit. I will be paying taxes...
I am also focusing in around the Colleges and Fells Point (very happening bar place in the city) I know these machines need to be in an area that has a high turn over of different people. I agree about the leg work too, once they are placed though it should be alright. I will def. keep this thread updated, if it fails I don't want anyone else to invest. If it succeeds, there is more than enough room for all of us!