I think I got male


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Been flowering for about 2 weeks now, and I am already starting to see signs that this plant is male.

Can any one confirm by this pic.

Here is a link to a larger pic if you need it. LARGE PIC



Well-Known Member
well that just sucks. Oh well. it was a learning experience for my 2nd attempt. The again, thats what I get for using bag seed lol. Time to break out the 100% fems I have been saving.


Well-Known Member
Hey at least u got some fems for next time. Was that like a test grow for the good stuff?

Yeah, this was a bag seed I started just to get some experience in growing them in dwc. Over all I think I did great.

The plant turned out really healthy. Big Green, and bushy. So I must be doing something right.

My lights though suck for flowering. So I will be ordering a 400w HPS next week.

hehe. its time to get serious.


Well-Known Member
It's better to get all the bugs out of that shit before u plant ur expensive ass seeds and end up goin 'oh fuck man, it fell over!'


Well-Known Member
if its your only plant let it grow. worse case it doesn't hermie and you can try and make butter or use the leafs for rolling paper. jjust make sure you clean your grow room after for your next grow so they don't get polinated. i took mine out and put it in a dark period for 36 hours and came back and it had hairs too....don't know if that mattered.


Active Member
i think every body needs to get one male for experience, but think your self lucky because my freind bought 30 clones off a guy in a pub (not the best idea), but the guy's mother plant turned out to be a father plant, because he hadn't come across a male before he took them all the way to harvest. we laughed - he cried.