I think i have a serious problem:Lice or Bugs?


There are little white almost microscopic bugs in my dirt. Theres alot of them. There like lice or fleas. They move quik and are all threwout the dirt. Should i just trash it?


Well-Known Member
Don't trash it man. someone will know the answer to your question, but for now do what you can. i.e use sticky traps or neem oil. could be the start of spider might. GL. and try get some pics they will help others determine what you have. Also what medium are you using, indoor or outdoor grow. this all helps solve the problem. more info you put the better.



I am dealing with the same thing. I found an all natural product that helped.
Flower Pharm http://organicpharmsolutions.com/flower_pharm.html
Sprayed it all over the leaves & soil the plants seemed to like it, they are all shiney now and it kills the bugs.
I have the same bugs & not exactally sure what they are.
They seemed to like a plant that was exibiting problems. Pretty sure the plant had too much nutrients in the soil. So I flushed with distilled water as well.
Plants are looking better today. When I see the bugs I spray them
Also I am waiting for the local nursery to carry lady bugs & preying mantises, fun fun fun


Well-Known Member
most likey it is spider mites!!! be prepared for a battle if it is!! neem oil and a layer of playbox sand on top of the soil!! not fr sure without a pic!! 2) on the list would be fungas gnats but doubtful since they usually are a different color than white!!


Well-Known Member
They're not standard spider mites. Mites live on the plant not in the soil, and they don't move fast. I've heard of these and I'll try to find a link to info.