I think I need help


Well-Known Member
Two weeks ago I started a plant. I put it in a small pot, used fox farm soil with worm castings and bat guano, added some water and more bat guano at planting. Used some shultz expert gardener plant food and water at the end of week one and have watered about every three days. The plant looks healthy and very stron. It's just that i have one stalk that's about 5 inches tall and 4 small leaves. Is this a good start? I've seen other pictures of taller plants with more leaves at 2 weeks. I'll post some pics as soon as figure that out.


Active Member
first off how old is the plant a young plant shouldnt be getting any type of nutes foxfarm soil has what it need all ready for about a month just use pure water untill that point 5in is normal depending on the strain of the plant some strains grow slow take your time be patient


Well-Known Member
Plant's two weeks old. It's an l.a. cheese mostly sativa some skunk. Got the seeds from DNA genetics outta Amsterdam. I was gettin a little nervouse about the size. Thanx for easing a little of the worry. I've stop using any other foods since reading here that feeding in the first weeks could be harmful


Well-Known Member
Plant's two weeks old. It's an l.a. cheese mostly sativa some skunk. Got the seeds from DNA genetics outta Amsterdam. I was gettin a little nervouse about the size. Thanx for easing a little of the worry. I've stop using any other foods since reading here that feeding in the first weeks could be harmful

"feeding in the first weekd could be harmful" is an understatment. Be very, very careful with anything related to Cheese. That cheese REALLY doesn't love to be fed. Remember while you're growing your plants that nutrients don't make your plants bigger, lights do. Don't try to force feed your plants because you don't think that they are growing rapidly enough. You'll just end up slowing thing down even further.


Well-Known Member
So I just keep using water only and hope foe the best? It's getting about 14 hours of light a day. Is that enough?


Well-Known Member
for veg you want 18 hours a day 6 hour dark cant go wrong with that
I think this plant is outdoors.....

Yeah, water with just plain water for another couple of weeks. Hopefully they don't start showing signs of burn. They'll pick up speed man, the first couple of weeks does seem really slow and boring, but after about a month they take off and grow like gangbusters. I assume this is the right time of year for your area?


Well-Known Member
this is my two week old plant. growing indoors
oh man....way too many nutrients for a little seedling. Just plain water when it's that size. Wait it out, try not to overwater it, just don't panic and it might survive it (I think you're going to start seeing some real problems).


Well-Known Member
should i just start over? I took it out of the original soil and put it in new soil without all the nutrients the old soil had in it
just plain water and lots of light then i use fox farm and use only half of what is recommended till flowering. Then i add what it sayes on the bottles gradually. But also use molas in the water (tablesspoon to a gallon)thru out till cut down when i use just water with no nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, adding nutes was a bad idea. Alot of new guys tend to think that plants are like people, meaning that they want to give them more food to make the grow faster. They will only use so many nutes, and there's not much you can do to change that, except to make sure that everything else is optimum. Light, being the most important thing, because it is what fuels the plants growth. Then PH, growing medium, moisture levels, etc......


Well-Known Member
So it's been brought to my attention I'm a dumbass and a 60 watt bulb ain't gonna cut it. What's the best light set up to use. I found out that sun light is 400w per square foot


Well-Known Member
Dude, the more light the better. Light, is what powers the plant. The weaker the light, the slower they'll grow. Shoot for 3500+ lumens per square foot, minimum. Also, keep in mind that without a good reflector, alot of light is lost, so a 5000 lumen bulb might only be providing 2000 lumens of light if it's not setup properly. Shoot for 5000+ lumens per square foot, and that'll give you alot more room for error. The amount of light that actually reaches the plant, is almost always less than what the bulb is rated for, because it's impossible to focus every lumen of light towards your plants. When in doubt. add more. :wink:


Well-Known Member
So i just bought me a 105w cfl 5000k 6200 lumans. I think that i'm on the right track now. Thanks everyone for all the help. I'll keep posting as time goes by, sure i'm gonna need more help in later stages


Well-Known Member
let me know if the lighting helped those plants any good luck bro and once u retain the mass abundacne of help ppl offer on riu u will be blowin shit up !!!!!!!!!!!!!Peace