I think I understand lights! maybe?

So I've been putting in research and there's so much information, and so many opinions, but I think I finally understand. HPS is the best, specifically the best for vegging and will produce great plants. CFL is mainly for vegetative state, it is the best for vegging but not good for flowering. LEDS are not necissary, but they will help create the best bud when grouped with hps in flowering. So if you want the best of the best, you need to veg with CFLS while using LEDs for more of the light spectrum, then switch to HPS for flowering and still use the leds in that stage as well. Right?


Well-Known Member
Close. Scrap the LED idea for 5 years until they work it out IMO. Also, MH for veg, maybe uv for late flower. cfl for cloning/early veg.


Well-Known Member
Metal halide is best for veg due to its blue spectrum, High Presure sodium best for flower due to its red spectrum.
HPS is the best for the flowering stage of growth. LED/CFL/MH/F are all good light being as the have a higher blue output, HPS give off a nice warm red/orange output which plants love and make nice dense buds. Keep doing research brother it builds character :)