i think i went overboard on germination =(


Active Member
I snaged sum bigbud seeds from Nirvana, they came in superfast shipping and i threw them on the ol paper towel ina tinfoil pie plate under a heat pad fora a couple days, checked um bout ever 12, made sure the towel did not dry out!! had plastic wrap over the top that produced alotta condensation frm water evap. of course, but i just put the seeds in MG 2day and they looked worst off, the ones with sprouts almost looked soft and to wet, I had a couple layers of paper towel over them, plastic wrap, then a hat to cut out light,Maybe to much moisture n not enuff air? sum even looked to have mold on thm. Anyway i planted them anyway, Is there a chance they can come back from over exposure to moisture? If thas what it is. lolz Oh and onemore Q, why plant ina lil cup 1st? would u put a germed seed right into a 5gal pal. lets say?Really ata lose on the seed, got my finger on the button to order more, but not sure =(
I used MG for the first 3 weeks of two of my plants and they were fine, grew pretty quick. I then trasnplanted into fox farm though, made quite a difference.
You want to plant "babies" into a small container, at first, so that the root system can develope a strong, dense, well distributed growing pattern that makes full use of the small area. And you want to keep it, not root bound, but in a "controled" environment. Repotting into a somewhat larger pot, each time, before it gets root bound.

If you want to be lazy and just plunk it into a big pot at first, the roots will spread out quickly and not become well developed or make full use of the space available. This way can work, but it has it's draw backs - I prefere a healthy root system every time!
Thanx T.H.!! makes sense. Ive actually ordered more BB seeds n am gunna try again, but try not to go crazy on the germ. lolz thn ill do the plastic cups 4 seedlings like u said and put em into the planters. I actually took benches bout 2' by 6' four of um, 2' off the ground n cut 6"by6" holes in thm on the top surface all stagered, thn grabbed sum heavy industrial plasic and made pots tht hang below the top soil lol, strapped 4 cash ;) poked holed in bottom of plastic 4 drainage, intake air coming in from a outside vent hose, n air being exhausted out with a high velocity desk fan witha hose, humidity bout 50%, temp 69-72F with 3 8" floros with full spectrum bulbs directly ova the benches hanging from a pully drivin rack to adjust the hight, and yea alls i could get was M.G. lota people hatn on that stuff, is there a special reason? i think if i can get off the ground with these bad gurls, my enviroment should be badass!! lol:p well anyway its maa 2nd grow, did one once ina phototron, Booo. but prolly frm lack of Ep on my part.
how do you go overboard? you remember in first grade they showed us how to germinate seeds in a paper towel? Its pretty easy really.
I snaged sum bigbud seeds from Nirvana, they came in superfast shipping and i threw them on the ol paper towel ina tinfoil pie plate under a heat pad fora a couple days, checked um bout ever 12, made sure the towel did not dry out!! had plastic wrap over the top that produced alotta condensation frm water evap. of course, but i just put the seeds in MG 2day and they looked worst off, the ones with sprouts almost looked soft and to wet, I had a couple layers of paper towel over them, plastic wrap, then a hat to cut out light,Maybe to much moisture n not enuff air? sum even looked to have mold on thm. Anyway i planted them anyway, Is there a chance they can come back from over exposure to moisture? If thas what it is. lolz Oh and onemore Q, why plant ina lil cup 1st? would u put a germed seed right into a 5gal pal. lets say?Really ata lose on the seed, got my finger on the button to order more, but not sure =(
i've tried the whole greenhouse thing. doesn't work. your plants suffer and look real pale. def too much moisture