I think I'm done with chemicals...goin organic!

strain stalker

New Member
...I've been using Fox Farm's Forest for my veg, only giving them water pretty much, maybe a little seabird guano if I notice nitrogen deficiencies.

...I then transplant into my own mix ( 1/3 vermulite, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 petemoss ) and I start my chemical fertz for bloom. (Plantlife,whole product line)

...I want to continue organics in bloom.

...After my veg cycle has ended and I prepare for bloom, I transplant into larger pots...I'll be using fresh Fox Farm's Forest at that time.

questions I have are:

...Fox Farm claims that Forest has enough fertz for 3-4 weeks into bloom, then we need to add P, right?

...any suggestions from this point?:shock:?

...I'm think'n all I need to do is add some high P guano at this point....when do I start my flush??

also, I noticed that my ph changes dramatically when I put guano on bubbles...what's the solution for this?

I'm just sick of :spew:chemicals...any help/ideas/tips would be greatly appriciated!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you utilize a super soil mix recipe that will carry you from start to finish.

There are many recipes

This one is my favorite.

2 cubic- feet Miracle Grow Organic Choice (green bag)

3.8-4.0 cubic feet- Promix/Sunshine Mix #4 (If not, it can be substituted with Peat Moss)

1 Cup Miracle Grow Blood Meal

1 Cup Miracle Grow Bone Meal

1/2 cup dolomite lime (1 cup if you're using peat moss)

30% perlite (chunky perlite is preferable)

Mix the soil well and just plant or transplant into it.

The great thing is not having to worry about PH problems

Now depending on the strain, especially those that require a long flower time you will have to add some organic bloom fertilizer , but otherwise it should be easier for you

strain stalker

New Member
Why don't you utilize a super soil mix recipe that will carry you from start to finish.

There are many recipes

This one is my favorite.

2 cubic- feet Miracle Grow Organic Choice (green bag)

3.8-4.0 cubic feet- Promix/Sunshine Mix #4 (If not, it can be substituted with Peat Moss)

1 Cup Miracle Grow Blood Meal

1 Cup Miracle Grow Bone Meal

1/2 cup dolomite lime (1 cup if you're using peat moss)

30% perlite (chunky perlite is preferable)

Mix the soil well and just plant or transplant into it.

The great thing is not having to worry about PH problems

Now depending on the strain, especially those that require a long flower time you will have to add some organic bloom fertilizer , but otherwise it should be easier for you
...not to be a dick bro, but....I don't want anything thats made by "Miracle Grow" for my ladies. Thankx for the imput though.

...for anyone considering the same organic switch as myself, here is what I've been suggested to utilize into my grow.

I'm goin to feed my plants with an organic tea. I'll b adding high (P) guano, worm castings, molasses, and kelp. The guano, worm castings and kelp will be placed into screen bags, dropped into the h20, placed on a bubble stone. My plants will be feed with this tea once a week. I will start the feeding once the organics are used up from the Fox Farm Forest (approx. 3-4 weeks into bloom)


Well-Known Member
...not to be a dick bro, but....I don't want anything thats made by "Miracle Grow" for my ladies. Thankx for the imput though.

...for anyone considering the same organic switch as myself, here is what I've been suggested to utilize into my grow.

I'm goin to feed my plants with an organic tea. I'll b adding high (P) guano, worm castings, molasses, and kelp. The guano, worm castings and kelp will be placed into screen bags, dropped into the h20, placed on a bubble stone. My plants will be feed with this tea once a week. I will start the feeding once the organics are used up from the Fox Farm Forest (approx. 3-4 weeks into bloom)
Your not being a dick, I know a lot of people don't like it.

I had forgot to add that you can definaetly use fox farm instead Miracle grow

I actually am using FF now as a replacement

Here are some more notes on this recipe

the optional soils to use with the peat based mixes above.
Mg organic, Foxfarm ocean forrest, Black gold,

You can mix and match any of the above mixes to achieve simular results.

Example Promix with mg organic or Pro mix with ocean forrest or bcuzz hydro with m organic or visa versa so on yada yada.

Here are the key points I will make. It doesnt matter much which way you go with it, What matters is that the soil is mixed with the peat based mix to create about a 60/40 mix 60% peat 40% soil. Then you add your perlite and ammendmants. I usually use 3.8 cf bales of any of the above mentioned peat based mixes, With 2cf of ocean forrest or mg etc!

I reccomend chunky perlite, I also reccomend using ocean forrest over mg organic, I had fungus gnats with mg organic and once I mixed the mix, and went to tranplant the babies and pull out a handfull of soil and it was loaded with maggets, So I no longer use MG organic.

1-1&1/2 cup blood meal 1-1&1/2 cup bone meal 1/2-3/4 cup dolomite lime, Or pulverized limestone. Depending on how your strain feeds if its a heavier feeder go with the 1&1/2 blood and bone meal if its a light feeder then use the 1 cup.

If your vegging less than 30 days 3 gal bags are fine. If you plan to veg for 30 or more you need to use 5 gal bags or else you could be nute deff during flower. If you want to add castings thats fine, I reccomend just top coating with it during the latter stages of veg before the flip.

You can use sweet if you would like also, I'm kinda tired and high so I will go back over this post and thread later and if you have any questions feel free to ask. On a side note I have used everyone of the above mentioned products all with simular success mg organic is the only one which can bring along fungus gnats etc.

This is not my recipe. It was taken from another site.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Ocean forest soil contains enough nutrients to last you at least at least a couple weeks, as you said. After transplanting into fresh soil, you shouldn't need to add any more nutrients for another couple weeks...it will be less than when you started though, as the plants are bigger and have an established root system that sucks the nutrients out of the soil faster.

As far as flushing, you want to give the plant at least a week, usually two, in order for the plant to use all available nutrients in the soil before it cannibalizes the rest of the plant, breaking down sugars and making the smoke smoother. Just water normally (1 quart water per gallon soil...the same goes when feeding with nutrients) for the last couple weeks and you'll be fine.

Regarding Miracle Grow...it isn't the WORST thing in the world to use, it just gets a bad rap on these forums because people don't know how to use it properly. Just substitute another brand for Miracle Grow and you can use the recipe listed above by keico.

High P guano is a nice organic fertilizer, but you'll also need some K and micro-nutrients that aren't found in guano. My personal favorite organic fertilizer line is made by Blue Mountain Organics. They're available only through ebay (or at local stores in the Ozarks, Arkansas) and are BY FAR the easiest way to use the kind of tea you are trying to make yourself. Here's a link to their store...


Check out the ingredients for each product and you'll find it's exactly what you would use in your own tea mixture, but without the mess and hassle of brewing your own. And this stuff is CHEAP.

I just finished my first harvest with this stuff and couldn't be happier. The only thing I ever add to this mixture is Fox Farm's Big Bloom liquid fertilizer...it's 100% organic and is basically just guano, castings and kelp. It's a carry-over from my first non-organic grow.

Congrats on going Organic and good luck!

strain stalker

New Member
...hey, thanks guys!
...couple things here.

...I bought some "worm castings", "Kelp Meal", "Molesses", and high P "bat guano"...I plan on making a tea and feeding 3-4 weeks after my forest is used up.
...How often should I use this "tea"?
...how long should my tea brew?
...how long is my tea good once made?
...any ph difference when organic Vs. chemicals?

...ideas ? ...suggestions?
...any input would be awesome guys! Much thankx!


Well-Known Member
...hey, thanks guys!
...couple things here.

...I bought some "worm castings", "Kelp Meal", "Molesses", and high P "bat guano"...I plan on making a tea and feeding 3-4 weeks after my forest is used up.
...How often should I use this "tea"?
...how long should my tea brew?
...how long is my tea good once made?
...any ph difference when organic Vs. chemicals?

...ideas ? ...suggestions?
...any input would be awesome guys! Much thankx!
Well it all depends on your soil setup.

If you utilize a soil with no nutrients added, I would say maybe every two to three feedings. And even then start off with small doses.

As far as brewing, I never used or made a tea, but from what I have read, it can be anywhere from 24 hours and up. Some have said when you see a lot of bubbles foaming it is ready. But then again I am no expert on teas.

Here is the RIU link for tea https://www.rollitup.org/organics/93913-making-tea-ez-cheap.html

As far as PH I firmly say stick with Organics, Ph will not be an issue. You will have more PH issues when using chemicals.

Also you can utilize both chemical and organic fertilizers together. Chemical fertilizer will kill the microbes that organic growing rely on