I think im killing my babies...

smokin' cindy

Active Member



Hi guys,

I got seedlings from my friend on Sunday and I think Im killing them. Its freaking me out. They are in rock wool, my friend said water each day, it has been hot here, mid 30s I try to keep them in the sun all the time. The wool is moist, when I hold some between my fingers firmly Im squeezing out half a drop. Initally I had 6, one looks good, one died, and I thought the other 4 where ok, now they are discoloured on the tips of the leaves and arent standing up.... what am I doing wrong? Im I over or under hydrating, freaking out over nothing or a plant murderer? I just feel bad about losing these girls! Its really playing on my mind!

white widow rules

Active Member
theyre cuttings not seeldings my friend!! firstly i doubt theyve rooted, secondly if they havent you
need to be keeping them moist by spraying the leaves twice a day, take them out of direct sunlight
as they need to concentrate on root growth, put them in a propegator if youve got 1, you need
to keep the humidity up!! best of luck hope this helps those little girls!!

smokin' cindy

Active Member
ok Ill start doing this, thank you! And yeah, seedlings, cuttings, ive got no idea! Do you think they might survive?

theyre cuttings not seeldings my friend!! firstly i doubt theyve rooted, secondly if they havent you
need to be keeping them moist by spraying the leaves twice a day, take them out of direct sunlight
as they need to concentrate on root growth, put them in a propegator if youve got 1, you need
to keep the humidity up!! best of luck hope this helps those little girls!!


Well-Known Member
u probly should have asked ur friend for more advice, get them out of the sun, they need to be somewhere humid and keep them moist until they root. THEN they go under the light


Well-Known Member
Rockwool holds water very well so u prolly dont need to be watering as much as u are,also they look like theyre clones not seedlings so i would be spraying the leaves and find a clear plastic container to put over them to keep it humid,also shade them during the hottest part of the day.(anything over 25c)

smokin' cindy

Active Member
Well my friend said 250mls of water each day and leave them in the sun, so I was doing that. I'll start spraying as of tomorrow. And will work out where i can get a container from.... thank you!

white widow rules

Active Member
plastic bag will be fine but they still need a bit of ventilation mind dont starve them of oxygen!! they dont need a gtreat deal of light or water as long as they get some, check the root system every 3 days by gently prising apart the wool and carefully looking, as soon as theyve established some decent roots they're readyfor the sun!!


Well-Known Member
would making a plastic bag tent work in a similar fashion?
u have a clone
plastic clear cup poke 5 small holes in the top
put it upside down over it
mist the cup mist the plant
i did this it worked good 4 me
if not prepare first then try again
read the first grow guide
and how to look after clones
its a real help for virgins
hope this helps



Well-Known Member
go me and my awsome talent of fixing my fuckups
trust me dude if you think cant grow u should check me out
i kill the dirt