I think I’m screwed

Get a Chilton or Haynes manual. They sell them at parts store. About 20 bucks. Follow the instructions and pics. I buy a manual for every car I ever owned. I've bought a few extra over the years working on peoples cars.

If you have any common sense you can do it. Its not rocket science by any means. Advance and AutoZone both have loan a tool programs for specialty tools.

You could put an axle in with a breaker bar, socket to fit the axle nut, small socket set and a breaker bar.

Its not hard. Some of the bolts will be a bitch to get out. Spray with penetrating oil and leave over night.

Google is also his friend, I've been able to find Haynes manuals for any wagon I've had in recent years online for free, and that's before we start looking at forums where he might even find someone local who would fix it for beer (other low cost alternatives available) or find someone who'll happily email him the manual.
We know the CV is fucked, now the tranny leak needs to be addressed. Get under the car and wipe down/clean the tran housing and environs real well, add more tranny fluid and get back under and find where it's leaking from. If the housing is cracked, part the bitch out

Vibration from the banjacked CV has probably wrecked the driveshaft seal and nothing more

I secured a ‘03 Toyota Corolla yesterday with 155k miles on it. It drives well, and has a strong engine. Smooth shifting transmission. $850, most of which came from you

It came from a police auction and someone used about 15 cans of gold spray paint on it. And they didn’t do a good job. Also, the trunk doesn’t latch so it’s tied shut.

Additionally it used to have a ghetto rigged sound system and DVD player in it. Though they took the faceplate and it looks like the dvd screen is from 2003...lol... soooo, no radio at all, or any of the aftermarket parts.

The interior is pretty torn up. I think the cops tore everything apart looking for drugs. The owner had also torn apart all the moulding for the electronics that were ghetto rigged. Luckily the seats are good.

But man it drives well! The engine is strong and the transmission is smooth. The oil was fresh, and the engine looks very well maintained. The body feels tight, all the doors line up perfectly and the frame is secure. No shakes or wobbles or noises...at least not yet...lol

It needs to be registered and I gotta get plates for it. But after driving it all morning for work, I feel cautiously optimistic about it. Once it has plates I’m gonna hit it hard and start repaying the love.

I love you all. :-)

Except finshaggy, I just sorta tolerate him.

PS. I feel slightly ashamed that I didn’t attempt to repair my old car on my own. I’m sure many of you woulda been able to no problem, but it was causing me great anxiety.

My main fear was that I would repair the CV axel and seal to the tranny, only to discover another serious mechanical problem and be out all the time and money.

Please don’t fault me for making the decision I made, I really feel like this Corolla is going to last much longer than the Altima, and it got me back on the road the quickest.

Sorry I let you down :-(
Dude, let's all go to porn hub or x videos and start posting shit. Sometimes I look at the comment section and just fantasize about how much better they'd be if we were there.
Some should actually post an innocent video, tag it with all popular tags so it gets found.

Then they can see our comments
Apparently getting hot and bothered about nothing.

I promise a few weirdos will chime in like they always loved, dude installing
Water filter porn.
Hashtag ppm, ph, money shot

I secured a ‘03 Toyota Corolla yesterday with 155k miles on it. It drives well, and has a strong engine. Smooth shifting transmission. $850, most of which came from you

It came from a police auction and someone used about 15 cans of gold spray paint on it. And they didn’t do a good job. Also, the trunk doesn’t latch so it’s tied shut.

Additionally it used to have a ghetto rigged sound system and DVD player in it. Though they took the faceplate and it looks like the dvd screen is from 2003...lol... soooo, no radio at all, or any of the aftermarket parts.

The interior is pretty torn up. I think the cops tore everything apart looking for drugs. The owner had also torn apart all the moulding for the electronics that were ghetto rigged. Luckily the seats are good.

But man it drives well! The engine is strong and the transmission is smooth. The oil was fresh, and the engine looks very well maintained. The body feels tight, all the doors line up perfectly and the frame is secure. No shakes or wobbles or noises...at least not yet...lol

It needs to be registered and I gotta get plates for it. But after driving it all morning for work, I feel cautiously optimistic about it. Once it has plates I’m gonna hit it hard and start repaying the love.

I love you all. :-)

Except finshaggy, I just sorta tolerate him.

PS. I feel slightly ashamed that I didn’t attempt to repair my old car on my own. I’m sure many of you woulda been able to no problem, but it was causing me great anxiety.

My main fear was that I would repair the CV axel and seal to the tranny, only to discover another serious mechanical problem and be out all the time and money.

Please don’t fault me for making the decision I made, I really feel like this Corolla is going to last much longer than the Altima, and it got me back on the road the quickest.

Sorry I let you down :-(

Fucking awesome, Meta! I bet it runs for years, corollas are unstoppable. If you would post a pic that'd be great, I'd LOVE to see a car spray painted gold. You're gonna get so much pussy in your new gold hooptie...
Dude, let's all go to porn hub or x videos and start posting shit. Sometimes I look at the comment section and just fantasize about how much better they'd be if we were there.

I usually watch some pretty weird shit so the comments are usually pretty good. I'm not sure if it's still up but there was this weird Japanese porn movie on porn hub, the title was SDMS-725. (I wrote it down lol)

Some silver penis alien guy shoots some Japanese school girls with a ray gun, or uses magic or something, I forgot. Then they grow these thick three foot long dicks. I won't spoil the rest.

The comments section was almost as good as the video.
I usually watch some pretty weird shit so the comments are usually pretty good. I'm not sure if it's still up but there was this weird Japanese porn movie on porn hub, the title was SDMS-725. (I wrote it down lol)

Some silver penis alien guy shoots some Japanese school girls with a ray gun, or uses magic or something, I forgot. Then they grow these thick three foot long dicks. I won't spoil the rest.

The comments section was almost as good as the video.

More than any other riu member, I would LOVE to peruse your browser history ;)
It came from a police auction and someone used about 15 cans of gold spray paint on it.

I'm going to spray paint the ford tempo I'm working on orange with yellow lace on the sides using Rustoleum.


Sort of like that ^ but much shittier I'm sure.