I Think My Dog is in Love With Me

Buttholes are all good, I thought it was the mouth area that was the concern Clayton. I'm not a dog but an animal none the less and concession to pet status is up in the air atm...but a good almond rocha demands tongue because loose nugs are inevitable and expected to be scattered about.
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Buttholes are all good, I thought it was the mouth area that was the concern Clayton. I'm not a dog but an animal none the less and concession to pet status is up in the air atm...but a good almond rocha demands tongue because loose nugs are inevitable and expected to be scattered about.
Any dog owner knows that dog topology is simple. Dog's mouth and asshole are the same thing, simply in different locations. Physicists have recently shown peculiarities in the speed of light between a dog's mouth and anus, and believe that an instantaneous mode of long-range communication might come of continued research into c-space.