I think my one of my ladies was hiding something up her skirt :(


Well-Known Member
So I have 5 Ladies here that are 1 month flowering and I seem to think that maybe i am seeing seed pods. Not sure if one was a hermi or what happened....let me know what you think I have tried to circle where i am looking at but not sure if the web site will support a high enough quality to be able to see good detail.





Well-Known Member
To be honest i had growth like that on my two plants ended up with no seeds, good luck hopefully no seeds will appear


Well-Known Member
could you post a close-up picture without painting all over it?

to me it looks like normaly swolen calyxes.
If its a quick finishing strain it might be normal, if not it might be seeds.

crack one of thoes open and check if there's a seed inside.


Well-Known Member
so what are you using? phed water/distilled? any nutes.why dont you feel the sacks.if its hard and solid it should have a seed in it, then you know you got a herm. and who cares keep growin it if its your first plants or even a good strain its prob way better then anything youve smoked b4