i think my plant is male. how early can i tell?


Well-Known Member
you don't know paranoid,. wait until you have 25 thousand dollars of flowering plants going, and you see one buds start to produce seeds! then you can get paranoid


Well-Known Member
oh I meant that you'll lose half the plant if you take a cut, lol, but when they get bigger you can take cuttings to establish sex. I'm not trying to be clever in asking where you saw the 'balls' I'm just curious. I spotted two pinhead sized dots on the plant you think may be male but I zoomed in and I don't think they are balls mate. Anyhow patience my friend and you have some time after a herm/male is identified. Best of luck. LGC


Active Member
sorry to say this but you don't have the right to make this kind of question here... Make a research take some knowledge and you will understand you are asking a funny question> Plants are too young , haven't showed sex yet> come again when you will have real questions, sorry if you believe i am cruel with you, but that;s how it goes. Gl anyway, happy growing


New Member
Hey lospsi, I have the right to ask what ever I please. you don't have to read it or respond, so quit being a dick.


New Member
Where those two dots are you see, the plant is protruding outward like a bubble or bump if that makes sense...


Well-Known Member
yeah well that's what I wanted to know. You cant tell in the pic, but I can definitely see it. So yeah they might 'turn into' balls


Well-Known Member
Look at the picture Shim put up. It's good.

The "balls" (or more correctly pollen sacs) do not arise overnight and ruin your grow. You have 5-14 days of seeing them arise before they explode their powdery goodness on your plants.

If you think you see them coming up isolate the plant, i.e. remove it from your grow area. Wait and see.


New Member
I saved the photo for future reference. I don't think I'll be asking many more questions as I dont need negativity from people for asking a simple question. thought forums are supposed to be helpful. those that helped, thanks!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
That pic is way to early. I agree with KK, some strains show sexual maturity at about a month. Males also tend to be taller than the females with in the same strain.


Well-Known Member
Lospi was just being a putz, but you need to thicken your skin a bit if your going to get butt hurt by something that some random prick posts on your thread.

Ask all the questions you want, but your better off just not acknowledging the trolls.


Active Member
Ok i was a little hard on you, i admit. I am really sorry,had a very difficult day, no hard feelings right? Happy growing!