I think They have the Wilts

Sgt. Pepper

My White Widows were put in my home made aero/dwc Tub 8 days ago. They were doing great but now they are starting to wilt today. My tub leaks a little bit from the lid locking hinge, so i have a little tray under it. I noticed a white film in the tray when i emptied it. I cant be for sure what it is (salt, calcium etc.) I was checking it out in The Indoor Bible and my problem resembles Wilts.

If it is wilts, is this the end of them, or can I do or add somthing to keep them going?

I haven't introduced nutes yet because alot of info from RIUers suggested waiting till they're 2 - 3 weeks old.

BTW. I'm using tap water that was aired out for 3 - 4 days before using.

I've been trying to keep the ph at 5.8 - 6.2. Its been rising pretty high 7-8

Trying to get pics up. should havem in a few mins.


Well-Known Member
do you have nutrients in your res?

im not familiar with "the wilts", but that looks like signs over watered or minor nute burn to me


Well-Known Member

no nutes for 2 weeks at least

sory i cant help you too much, im hydro-illiterate but it looks like its overwatered, dont know how that happens in hydro

it also looks stretchy, what are you using for lights?

Sgt. Pepper


no nutes for 2 weeks at least

sory i cant help you too much, im hydro-illiterate but it looks like its overwatered, dont know how that happens in hydro

it also looks stretchy, what are you using for lights?
Light - I'm using 4 4ft flouros 2 5000k and 2 3000k and they stay about a half inch from the tops.


Well-Known Member
please, i wouldnt take my advise on your hydro system, anything i said was speculative, i really only know how hydro works, not the functions of it

post your problem in the hydroponics section instead of newbie central for better responses

Sgt. Pepper

please, i wouldnt take my advise on your hydro system, anything i said was speculative, i really only know how hydro works, not the functions of it

post your problem in the hydroponics section instead of newbie central for better responses
Ok will do ---------


Is there any colour change on the leaves? The plant looks good, I think maybe it's just too hot,seedling isn't fully erect yet, or like you said the medium is too wet. I dry the rockwool out with a fan set to oscillate pointed down slightly every couple days

Sgt. Pepper

Is there any colour change on the leaves? The plant looks good, I think maybe it's just too hot,seedling isn't fully erect yet, or like you said the medium is too wet. I dry the rockwool out with a fan set to oscillate pointed down slightly every couple days
They are nice and green at the tips and gradually yellowing the closer you get to the center of the plant.


Active Member
The white stuff in the tray look like residue from the water. Not sure where you live but the water where I live is shitty. I broke down and bought a purifier. I had that white build up around my plants before I started purifying my own through reverse osmosis. Well worth it. Dont listen to me though. I'm a novice when it comes to hydro. I'm still learning


Hrm I have a small plant in my area that got locked out from nutes. It yellowed first in the center and was green outwards. I know on older plants it's the reverse, yellowing starts on the oldest leaves.

Try some Epsom salt, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per 2L of water. It sprang back the greenest green I've ever seen after that wash


Active Member
I had the same problem i still do but my plants are getting better i believe its the tap water and the pH . My problem #1 was that my meter was off by 1.4 so imagine i was feeding them really acidic water my second problem was that the ph in the water fluctuated to much and it killed off all m plants before i knew wat was wrong with them. I remember my tap water was in between 8-9 ph and even though i had it at 5.5 by the end of the day it was back to 8 . You either can change to drinking filtered water or get a water treatment for tap that stabilizes the ph your better off buying filtered water. It might be the lights as well