I think this is a pretty cool 1200w grow

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I filled my res with water, no more nutes, the lights will go out for good after wednesday, and I will start cutting them down on friday. I should have a weight posted next week.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member

Top left- Blue dream. Great blueberry smell, but the smoke doesnt taste as good as it smells. Good high, allows me to maintain energy and smoke it all day.
dry weight- 4+ ounces

Top right- Platinum OG. Again a great blueberry smell (very similar to the Blue dream), and it tastes more and more fruity every day of cure. The high is nice and "floaty", and I can smoke this for most of the day, but I will be sleeping like a rock.
dry weight- 6+ ounces

Bottom right- Bannana OG. The smell is like a bannana candy, with the flavor of a butter cookie. The high is a kick to the couch, and I dont smoke this unless I plan on watching a movie, or contemplating life..the universe...and everything in it.
dry weight- 1/4 ounce

Bottom left- OG (SFV cut). The smell is "chemical" like chem dog, but better. The high is great, and I can maintain production, but only if I smoke it at lunch and after work. This stuff has put me to bed many a time...at the wrong time. It seems to create just the right brain activity to zone out my wife, and lul me to and early dinner with the sandman.
dry weight- 2+ ounces

Popcorn buds dry weight is 1+ ounce.

Final results show that too much bush master can be worse then not using any at all. Im thinking of going with 1 ml per gallon for 2 days, and going with a good flush afterwards. Im also going to be utilizing hygrozyme next time.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Nice journal, shame about the yield not being what you were shooting for, but those nugs look nice and frosty.

If you could point to one or two things (besides no Bushmaster) you'd do to improve your last run, what would they be?


P.S. - asking because I just built this bad boy:

View attachment 1198585

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Bob-I wouldn't change anything besides the bushmaster. Vertical is the way to go. Nice setup you have, how are you going to water that? Will it be filled with coco?

eps-thanks, that harvest wasnt the best, but it was a good lesson about bushmaster.


Nice grow strictly, hey i gotta question about tha bushmaster. I just bought a 4oz bottle and you say it cut dayz off your flowering time, it says it stops vertical growth a creates side branching, is this true?

Im gonna be growing in a regular cab, does it really STOP vertical growth or just slow it because im gonna be growing some super lemon haze and its a mostly sativa plant and I didnt want it to get too tall.

Appreciate tha advice

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I would add the bush master no more then 7 days into your 12/12 cycle, and it says on the bottle more days in the res is better then more BM in the res. I use it for 3 days at 1 or 2 ml per gallon. It does stop the vertical growth, and I have seen larger yields...excluding the one from this thread.