Again, thanks for all the comments and tips. I appreciate it.
I don't think overwatering is the issue: I am fairly careful about that. On the last watering I waited until they were really drooping, really really drooping - about 4 days. The pix show her just after watering.
Her sister developed a stem base fungus problem and fell over. I propped her up for a week keeping her as dry as I dared and only squirting a strong solution of h202 & root stimulant around the base of the stem. This last was the first real watering she has had in sometime. She seems to have completely recovered. The brown slime is gone. The base of the stem has thickened and looks a healthy green.
FF OF has nutes although these have been in the same pots for at least a couple of weeks. Also, this is a light mix being 1/3 perlite. Until this last watering I had been putting one or two drops of FN veg in 1 qt of water. This last feeding they got 1/16th strength veg nutes.
This problem of yellow leaves appeared
before the last watering while the plants were
give her a lil more nutes man, i think she will thank you
This is my thinking. I just want to be careful. If it's not an N problem, ramping up the nutes might make it worse.
... please don't transplant now. It's already struggling.
Apart from the yellow leaves, does the plant look like she is in distress?
I've had N deficiencies before. I tend to underfeed in the early stages so I see it sometimes but never quite this early. It's only the first two true leaves. In fact the new growth at the nodes where those leaves join is dark green.
Perhaps the little bit of N in the last feed helped?
Perhaps the extended dryness caused an N deficiency?
Perhaps it's something else ?
Transplanting is a risk because of the shock. But it's also a safer way to rebalance the nutes & ph by adding more soil to her environment.
I dunno. If I ignore it, it wont be good for the plant. If I do the wrong thing that will not be good either. Unless I get some other idea, I think I will do the 1/2 strength N tomorrow.
My thinking is to water again tomorrow with a little less than 1/2 strength nutes.
Again, I appreciate the time and thought people have given me. If it seems like I am arguing, it's not because I am being a smartass, I just need to make sure that I understand what's going on before I do something to these girls. I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time. Just want to figure it out.
Well this one got thirsty and started drooping. I gave her a drink with 1/2 strength veg Nutes. If she doesnt die, I will do the same to her sister.
It seems that this seedling is drinking itself dry very fast. Perhaps she is root bound and that is causing deficiency symptoms. I dont see any roots poking out the bottom. I was going to transplant them soon but like someone said, I would rather wait till they are in best health before putting them through that shock.