Um. Yeah. Could be somewhere on our continent's west coast or it could be somewhere else in the world, like on an island near the equator, or in the south of Spain, or in the Himalayas at 4000 meters above sea level.
There are strains that can't even reach maturity in Washington or BC because of the short seasons and the average rainfalls. California can grow some monsters, and can provide enough sunlight for even lengthy strains, so I'd rank Cali above anything north of it.
Honestly, though, I've seen wicked grows in AZ. The conditions are pretty damn great. They deal with far fewer pests, almost zero presence of mold, and constant and powerful sunshine for most of the year.
Washington has the best outdoor herb.
Love the 7 footer photos....and their security "system".....LOL
im just proud of my grow right now. havnt had a chance to check on them myself for a few days. and they are looking really good. i have had some weed from cali and its dank but you have to take some pride in the stuff grown in your home town.
If you think so.... Go Home Teamam i the only one who thinks Washington has the best outdoor herb. even if its mostly overcast i still notice major growth. are sadly mistaken & incredibly misinformed...Cali has, hands down the best growing weather in the US...period! And the world wide know "emerald triangle" is the best anywhere...cartels choose this area for gorilla grows for this very reason...out of all the US locations and a cartel can afford anywhere to set-up camp..and with all of Cali's law enforcement agencies...and they still risk coming here...why you think that have a lot to learn...I'd love to see your current grow...the science doesnt even support your claim...your weather is more overcast then not...all that overcast diminishes the uv rays..marijuana produces THC to protect the plant..with uv light being harmful to plants...the plant produces more THC to supply sufficient protection...with your sun exposure being diminished by the overcast so is your THC production..which intern produces a less potent result in the have a lot to learn...that's why strains grown in higher altitudes and close to the equator have the highest amounts of THC...
i have family that has a farm down there. they supply alot of portland dispensaries. trust my its dankdon't think we'll see many votes for WA over CA weed. nothing wrong with WA - I think you have not grown in the triangle before.