I took 4mg dilodid and nothing happened!!

i snorted 4mg of dilodid and nothing happened im starting to think that there is something wrong with me. i know ppl who have taken that and thought they were on the moon. someone told me that it had to do with my brain chemistry or something.


Well-Known Member
I never liked those, supposedly they replaced oxycontin, I think they are pussy shit, they have a time release tho


Active Member
The bio-availability of dillies is pretty low when snorted or eaten. If you don't shoot them, they won't have much of an effect at that low of a dose. To feel any effect from snorting them, try 8-16mg. They're commonly known as "hospital heroin" and when injected, heroin users can't differentiate between h and dillies. They aren't meant to replace oxys and have been around for 15-20 years before Purdue Pharma came out with oxy. Unless you IV your dope, stick to oxy.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I never liked those, supposedly they replaced oxycontin, I think they are pussy shit, they have a time release tho
Replaced oxycontin? Hydromorphone is a lot stronger than Oxycodone ever thought of being.

"They have a time release":
Oxycontin is time-release Oxycodone.

Dilaudid is not time-release, Palladone is the time-release form of Hydromorphone.

The reason 4mg Hydromorphone probably didn't fuck you up is indeed due to the low bioavailability.
Bioavailability - Oral: 30–35%, Intranasal: 52–58%

A big reason people say that hydromorphone really fucks them up, is because a large number of people who use it, inject it. 4mg's of IV hydromorphone will knock you on your ass!


Well-Known Member
do u do dope or o.c.s ? when ever i get dilaudin 8s i can do half or the whole thing and get jam bananas. i really like dilaudin compared to other painkillers. dilaudin is not time released. i dont think Oxycontin is time-release Oxycodone. i snort mine, i could never injec any thin; im a lil girl when it comes to needles and blood
I normally dont like pills and there is no way ill inject but i was just trying them cuz i was out of weed and pppl said they fuck u up


Well-Known Member
I've personally never gotten the right buzz off of dilauteds. Maybe if you did alot... but 4 mg...yeah nothin. haha.


I used to be a very heavy opiate IV user. OC was my doc but have used Dilaudid as a kicker. They hit pretty hard for a couple minutes then fade. They were a lot cheaper too. But no comparison to oxy. The best thing about them is you dont have to heat them. they dissolve in water.