I top my plants today first time is this right?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys and girls,

Today i topped my supergirl plants, no sorry i FIM i should say my supergirl plants today, thats was what i was aiming to do.

OK my question i know your suppose to locate the very top of the plant to do this but it didn't seemed formed enough or allow me a clean cut at that point so i came down a branch or node to the next better formed set and done the FIM method there still on the main stork.

Would this make any diifference to the fact i didn't actually use the very top of the plant?

Any opinion appreciated given i've done it i'm going to find out either way bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hello since no has answered my post :-?

After searching and reading up on the net it seems i have only topped my plants which is ok so far.

Now i must FIM as my next step again i have read up on this and fully understand and where to cut it this time CORRECTLY.

So can i ask this question if i may,

The plant had been topped so the next two branches will now grow upwards in the V shape thus giving me two main branches Bud sites instead of the one main one cola.

Can i now FIM these two bud sites when they form and hopefully creating 4 or 6 bud sites as what FIM can give would this be correct or do you do it differently?

Any reply would be helpful thanks,
