I topped my plant and now its drooping badly


Well-Known Member
Kinda amazed that the trimming the fan leaves hasn't sparked yet. But from my understanding ( Alot less then most people here mind you) Is that you should never ever remove any leaves from the plant, with a few exceptions im sure. Plants dont see light like we do and the light goes through the leaves and can get to multiple levels below even though you may see shadows. You can bend the fan leaves away if you wish, but removing them is like removing half the solar panels on a car and expecting it to go faster. I could be wrong about all this but ive seen a few knowledgeable people post about it.

Edit: If i were you i would repot it as other have said, and your soil looks kinda "chunky" at the top.


Well-Known Member
that plant needs sleep my friend! you stressed it out with the trimming and now it can't recover because its in constant photosynthesis. cut your lights down to 18/6 asap.
Not sure if this is right, ive done 24/7 before and never had droopie either. In fact, you can cut every leaf and not get dropping. Usually droppy is from too much water, and in some peoples cases 2 little.