I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your getting nute lockout... you should flush with 1 gallon of water per gallon of pot size... and then follow the instructions on the bottle for medium strength nutes... also if it is a clorine problem... you should be letting your fresh water sit overnight for the clorine to evaporate...
I dont have a scope. Iv been flushing it, mostly all the pistils are brown now but it seems to be growing new pistil pods and new pistils on top of the old ones not sure what that means ....anyone


New Member
Go ahead and show us all where flushing soil to prevent and remove buildup of excess salts in containers has been debunked. Show us where the buildup of excess salts has been proven to in fact NOT cause nutrient lockout.

Show me one thread or article where anyone even makes such an assertion.

If you know a bit about plant botany and how to feed a reasonable, balanced diet salt build up will never be an issue. Continuous flushing only compacts the soil and stresses the plant........

And OP under the HPS makes it difficult to see for sure but my guess would be you have a on going magnesium deficiency slowing greatly the plants uptake of nitrogen. But what do I know........
Ok just to update, I feed her a full dose of flower nutes and I noticed my ph was to high at around 7but its too late I already feed it to her (stupid meter is on the fritz) I but a fan blowing warm air into the soil to dry up most of it and I think the correction here is to ph the feedings or water to 6.5 for P absorbtion. And its def P deficieny caude I stubled on a photo that looks exactly like what I have. Like Exactly. My feedings have all been at 7 ph gah I wish I noticed the meter was aacting up it would have saved me some trouble .