Yet it's a satisfying opportunity to share one more illustration as to
why exactly, free of charge:
Just as expected, this wasn't rewarding graphically because most features just got stuck together inside the larger nuggets, while their exterior has been shaved real close - which tells me there was something to hide indeed...
Anyway the child-proof plastic bag seemed to generate as much aroma/taste as the samples in it (...), additionnally i got to wonder if such close shave ain't conveniently removing more contaminants than i imagined initially, which probably means i'd need top-notch chemical analysis reports to gain some better view on the real story. Chances are that's for no good reason, knowing their past with kosher Zyklon, euh...
M'well at least i can say with great certainty that this has been
industrially processed to a point that kills any residual appeal for it, so it's still sold at an unreasonable price as far as i'm concerned: good old cannabis used to look much more "sexy" before Trudeau launched his mari-caca
Honestly who'd want to give this sort of "legal" dealer another phone call knowing it's about half a bag made of fragments and debris?
Seeing (and touching and smelling) is everything, it's really no wonder the packages must be kept sealed at the SQdC. YMMV!