I Tried The SQDC's New Cheap Weed & This Is My High-Minded Opinion

of the bag o'schwag total grams. Mexi-grade no nose, no terps all irradiated away into oblivion.
And sold by a dirt industry of cut throats and liars. To support a government that still busts you for doing what they themselves do daily. I couldn't support assholes who have a knife to my throat.
I couldn't support assholes who have a knife to my throat.

Yet it's a satisfying opportunity to share one more illustration as to why exactly, free of charge:

Just as expected, this wasn't rewarding graphically because most features just got stuck together inside the larger nuggets, while their exterior has been shaved real close - which tells me there was something to hide indeed...

Anyway the child-proof plastic bag seemed to generate as much aroma/taste as the samples in it (...), additionnally i got to wonder if such close shave ain't conveniently removing more contaminants than i imagined initially, which probably means i'd need top-notch chemical analysis reports to gain some better view on the real story. Chances are that's for no good reason, knowing their past with kosher Zyklon, euh...

M'well at least i can say with great certainty that this has been industrially processed to a point that kills any residual appeal for it, so it's still sold at an unreasonable price as far as i'm concerned: good old cannabis used to look much more "sexy" before Trudeau launched his mari-caca VILIFICATION machine.

Honestly who'd want to give this sort of "legal" dealer another phone call knowing it's about half a bag made of fragments and debris?

Seeing (and touching and smelling) is everything, it's really no wonder the packages must be kept sealed at the SQdC. YMMV!

Yet it's a satisfying opportunity to share one more illustration as to why exactly, free of charge:

Just as expected, this wasn't rewarding graphically because most features just got stuck together inside the larger nuggets, while their exterior has been shaved real close - which tells me there was something to hide indeed...

Anyway the child-proof plastic bag seemed to generate as much aroma/taste as the samples in it (...), additionnally i got to wonder if such close shave ain't conveniently removing more contaminants than i imagined initially, which probably means i'd need top-notch chemical analysis reports to gain some better view on the real story. Chances are that's for no good reason, knowing their past with kosher Zyklon, euh...

M'well at least i can say with great certainty that this has been industrially processed to a point that kills any residual appeal for it, so it's still sold at an unreasonable price as far as i'm concerned: good old cannabis used to look much more "sexy" before Trudeau launched his mari-caca VILIFICATION machine.

Honestly who'd want to give this sort of "legal" dealer another phone call knowing it's about half a bag made of fragments and debris?

Seeing (and touching and smelling) is everything, it's really no wonder the packages must be kept sealed at the SQdC. YMMV!

Its machine trimmed
Salutations Redi Jedi,
Salutations F series,

...looks like a few of those are burnt...

One of the few large nuggets had some white spot which i've been unable to capture in sufficiently convincing details, but i feel the previous full-brown feature says enough anyway: e.g. it won't go unnoticed indeed! So, was it really a network of white vegetative (alien) filaments i tought i recognized or just an innofensive contaminant?... One would hope such marginal candidate nuggets automatically get rejected while packaging in any case!


It's machine trimmed

Once again industrial tumbling rendered my photo session frustrating at best, except for a few black leaves i discovered next to that white spot (...), which made me conclude to some early mold colonisation i think. M'well i dared test a couple visually-clean samples anyway and i shall testify it makes me feel unusually strange, like having novel tingling sensations all over my body as if i'm about to transform into Bruce Banner, or Dame Edna Everage! ... Oh well, as long as my skin doesn't look reptilian it should be OKay: it's the person inside which counts after all.

So i'm drinking a lot of milk In The Name Of Science, gambling on anti-poison properties to immunize me against Hexo's secret Kosher Zyklon ingredient!


Good day, have fun!! :peace: