I use a de-humidifyer


Anyone use a de-humidifyer for your plants drying? I place my plants in a 12 by 15 room, 8 foot ceiling, and I set my de-humidifyer on max dry, and it dries them in 3 days time, no problem. Any risks? I've noticed that they can become too dry if not monitored carefully


I'd advise against it. MJ's superiority and taste are brought out over a longer drying period. Like you said as well, they can become over drived; the slower the better (unless mold is a possibility). Cured bud tastes and smells better, U tend to lose smell and taste with quick drying (chlorophyll needs time to disolve completely). Ever had bud that smelled like grass? They didn't let the bud completely cure. Ever had a bud that didn't smell? They used a dehumidifyer/ over did it.


Well-Known Member
the slower u dry them the smoother the bud/flavor on inhale and exhale...5-8 days drying procsses...2 weeks in a jar.


that's interesting. The real reason i used a de-humidifyer was thew ridiculous humidity that we had this past summer (new england). I tried drying in an attic with a high-powered fan, but it just wouldn't give me that crackle that I wanted. It's interesting that you mention that it gives it a grassy smell. In either case, it was still very very good weed. A superb smoke. I made up for the use of the e-humidifyer by only burping every 3 days. The smell starts out like rotting fruit, but soon adopts a rank and dank smell.


hah, by crackle, I mean being able to bend the stem 90 degrees and get it to snap, or at least crunch. That's personally how i've been telling that its' dry enough. It seems to work for my customers, they love it.


Active Member
I can't do 5-8 days of initial drying. I don't see how anyone can. Your humidity must be over 60%. Mine is around 40% humidity and I can dry 3-4 days max before jarring.