I use full line of BIOBIZZ fertilizer, and am switching to the BIOBIZZ light mix soil


I have been using BioBizz with great white enzimes and Hygrozyme, for 4 harvests. I have been using #4 black gold soil and I am getting ready to switch to the BioBizz Light Mix soil. Does anyone else use this full line along with the BioBizz (light mix) soil as well? I was told by a rep that I am basicly waisting my money, if I am not using there soil with the fertilizer. I am growing the best medical on the mountain, but would like to increase my yeald. Five-5 liter bottles of biobiz cost $600-$700 depending if you can get a break, so I would like to know that my harvest will be more bountiful if I am going to spent an extra 150 in soil.


Well-Known Member
i use the full line up rootjuice,grow,bloom,topmax n heaven with the bio bizz all-mix not light, and ive had and seen nuffin but good weed n good yields from using it, although theres many cheaper options that im shore would work just as well tho? i just like the easiyness of going to 1 shop n getting everything i need and without the mess/hassle of mixing/making it myself.


Active Member
hi sambo and trout. sorry for hi jacking u thread but im looking into using biobizz all mix once i transplant. iv heard that its not good for outdoor is this true? is there n e thing else i could do to make this better aswell. i would just like ur input if thats ok thanks



Active Member
i use all biobiz products including the lightmix. the difference between lightmix and others is that the light mix has no added shit in it and you have more control over what your plant is getting. i perfer this over other soils that contain guano n such. bat guano is a slow release fertilizer and is adding to your plant with out you knowing when it completely is gone. with that said you will be using a liquid fertilizer that contains the same same shit as guano and could possibly give your plant too much, creating hella problems like build ups, locking out, remember most deficienties are actually toxicities caused by lock out. well hope this helped. :leaf::finger::leaf: if you do use a soil that contains nutes;bongsmilie its ok but use a weak fertilizer (or none) for a month till you think its all gone.


Active Member
I use Light Mix soil as I wanted to control and know exactly what my plants get in terms of nutrients. This is my first grow and I have gone the Organic route using BioGrow, BioBloom, Topmax & Leaf Coat. I also use 2 Advanced Nutrients products, although not Organic I have heard good things about them - BudBlood & OverDrive.

If you are looking to control how much you give your plants and being able to identify any problems easier because of this then go for the BioBizz LightMix :)


Active Member
i use bio bizz bio grow, bio bloom, and bio heaven samples. grow in promix and never had any problems, but dank ass plants.


Well-Known Member
I used all the BioBizz nutrients during my last grow and for my current grow I'm also using the "Light-Mix" soil. It's definitely lighter than other Light-Mix soils I've used from other brands in the past.

Definitely feels like I have more control over my plants' nutrition.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I use BioBizz Light Mix combined with 40% worm castings, some Fox Farm Light Warrior, mycorrhizae, 9-3-2 guano, and garden lime. I supplement with the General Organics line. Love it.