I Used Sand for Fungus Gnats... Now How Can I Fertilize the Soil?

The question pretty much explains it all. I have a layer of sand on top of my soil, got rid of fungus gnats. The problem now is that I want to mix some organic fertilizer powder into my soil. Would the fertilizer "seep" through the sand if I mix it on top of the sand? Do I need to take the sand off, fertilize and then re-apply? If I just mix the entire top layer of sand with the fertilizer and soil should I then put another layer of sand on top?

I live in Washington state and have a medical marijuana license.

Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
Even if you mixed the powder in the sand, each watering would work the powder further into your mix and to the roots. As Walter9999 said, you could mix the powder into your water and pour it right in.


Well-Known Member
the best thing to get rid of fungas gnats is skeeter dunks..i crush them up and mix in with my soil before i take my plants to the hills..they work great and u will never have a fungas gnat again..im a guerrilla grower so i know very well how destructive those little fucks can be..for the last 3 years i lost 2-3 plants ever year bc of those things..they would drill into my stem and turn it into mush..the larave is the deadly little bastards..i didnt know what i was dealing with and i would just call them worms bc that is what they looked like to me when i would check under the dirt once my plant had done been killed


You guys should try that (find on the net):

I would suggest a few things...if you do all of them, you shouldn't have a problem with fungus gnats again...

First...get yellow and blue sticky cards, rip them in half and put 1 on each pot, on top of the soil near the stem of the plants. Also put a few hanging in the shady/dark areas of your tent under the foliage....*these catch adults which is key to reducing the population. One adult can lay hundreds of eggs....

Next.. Get mosquito dunks (BTi) and crush about 1/2 of a dunk to a 5 gallon bucket of water. Put the crushed dunk in your next feeding water (crushed up) and feed your plants. BTi is a bacteria that the larvae eat, and it pretty much kills them from inside. This will reduce the larvae that become adults and won't let them grow.

Get a soil drench product like SNS, Azatrol, Azamax and do a soil drench. This will kill off any additional larvae in the soil as well as help prevent them from coming back.

After your problem is diminishing and fungus gnats seem to be going away... Get a product like SNS and use it with every other or every few feedings, Since I have been using SNS, I haven't had any fungus gnats at all, none..

This should help you be gnat free within 1 month, remember the gnats have a 30 day life cycle so you have to make sure to do repeat treatments of the SNS or Azatrol for about 3-4 weeks and you should see no more gnats.

Hope this helps, I had fungus gnat problems for my first 3 grows, once I started doing these things, I have not seen 1 gnat...


Well-Known Member
I used dawn Ultra to stop the little bastard.
1 Tsp per ten gallons, just make sure it is not antibacterial type.
I had the little bastards so I took the foam from stirring in the soap and drenched my plants and rock wool.
I waited 5 minutes and then rinsed my plants allowing the suds to go down into my Hydroton
After 4 applications I have NO bugs, just dawn nothing else.
I have a 16 gallon resevoir, I always add a 1/2 tsp my rock wool looks cleaner and no bugs!
Dawn is used after oil spill, If it works on wildlife why not plants?
Works in my ebb n Flo. Veg.