with the right regimen of "nutes" potency doesn't matter just flavor. Ill make an analogy, wild turkey 101 and vodka 100p, i like bourbon but the vodka will get me just as drunk. you can take Ghost og and have a (best case scenario) 26-27 percent thc i can take white kush and with the right regimen get the same outcome with more bud.
Are you sure you've grown before....?
Because if you've had grown"umpteen"strains you couldn't make statements like the ones you've made.
Do you think with nutrients.....you can create a super steroid plant.....more than people who dont use the newer products on the market? And that potency is measured in thc percentage only!!??!!
I dont even comprehend the statement that people who smoked weed in the 60's and 70's are somehow not able to handle the potency of today's marijuana!!!!?????!!!!
New products on the market, such as advanced nutrients,fox farm line....dont make weed more potent!
All nutrients can do, at best, is maximize the genetic potential of that specific strain.....it cant make it more potent than that! Actually, too many people are using way too much nutrients to try to harvest the most weed....but so often i see pictures of plants ready to harvest that are deep emerald green! Though this may yield slightly more the quality is poor....harsh, burns the throat, makes the high irritating....
I say a good standard of quality is, if you can smoke an ounce of one strain....it still tastes good, gets you high and hasen't harshed your throat!
Now as far as thc....some plants can have 25% thc and not be that strong, effect wise, as another strain that has 18% thc.
Thc is not a measure of effect......you could have two strains with identical amounts of thc....one being indica(for a simple example), and the other sativa. Each will affect you completely different.
Thats all that needs to be said on that.
Now as far as people who are older that smoked in the 60's and 70', im not one of them, but they had some steller strains back then from what i've heard, and what i've personally smoke growing up in the tail end of that era smoking in the 80's.
There were some strains back then that blow this shit today out of the water!!!!
And there was a lot of crappy weed to! But all the way up till around 2000, there was great weed and genetics!
So if you've grown up growing in post 2000, unfortunately you did not experience the pinnical of marijuana potency, flovor, uniqueness!!! Sorry about that....but i blame it on cali.....they got geedy, cloned strains instead of further quality breeding....then it went all down hill to where were at today.....weak shit!!!!!!
All the seeds i get today, just keep getting weaker, back in the day of Emery(what an asshole) the seed stock was still pretty good....and progressively went down from there!!!!