I Wanna Become A Grower!


Hey all, hope you can help. :-)
We would like to move in about 2 n a half years to the states and wanna become a part of the medical marijuana movement. :-D
At the moment we live in Germany, my girlfriend is american and she wants to get back to the states with me.
My question is: Is it really possible for me as a non american citizan to go to a growschool, become a licensedgrower and make a living out of it? And where is the best place to do that?
Thank you, i appreciate any help very much, cause its really hard to find someone who is taking me serious! :-(
Have a nice day.
Greetings from Germany



Active Member
You should read as much as you can about MMJ in the USA.. Seems like there's a lot of gray areas in the laws and they differ from state to state, and county to county.. I would think it'd be easier/better for you to just head to Amsterdam. It's not the "wild wild west" of weed here in the states like you may think it is. As to your Q on becoming legal in the states, I don't know as I've never had to worry about that situation and won't google it for you. Another thing, seems like our government is trying to get "legal growers" to stop growing. All I'm saying is I wouldn't leave my life pack it all up and move to the states to grow MMJ when things over here are so uncertain..

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Right now all you can do is search,read,search,read, and search.
Es ist nicht so einfach.
Du hast ganz feil zu learnin.
You should start some plants in germany,
the soil is amazing!!!