I wanna grow cactus

Beautiful specimens; would be a sin to cut them.
Yeah, they're at least 35 years old, can't quite remember when they went in. I had several of them break off in an earthquake about 11 years ago, just stuck the broken ones in the ground or layed them sideways and they grew like weeds! When you lay them on their side, it takes about a year and they will sprout several new pups off each.
Beautiful specimens; would be a sin to cut them. Glad to see they are seriously researching MDMA for ptsd it should be accessible to everyone who needs it even if you just wanted to fkn dance all weekend.
Wish I could find real endangered tree root MDMA.
Since I cannot, HHC cannabinoid extract I found to be a good substitute; 50 mg. gummies will fix any marriage in trouble...lol.
My friend has a San Pedro, of which cutting I drove in from out of state; upon visiting someone 18 months ago.
It took forever for it to show any sign of life, like a year!; doing well though.