I wanna grow it! Please HELP!


So I'm going to need a 3 gallon bucket? How much do I fill it up with ground? Do I go to Lowe's and buy special ground or just go in my backyard and dig natural ground?

And how much do I fill the 3 gallon bucket with ground, half way?

Do I put the seed all the way in the bucket or just couple inches in the ground?

How many times a week or day should I water it? And should Light or Sun light be hitting it 24/7?
Ok dude. Come on it's just for a week or 2 you can do this. When your first growing it don't forget it's just a plant dude. Lol it grows naturally outdoors. Just pretend it's just like any other plant dude if something looks fucked up take a pic and ask RIU. Don't stress out dude this plantis suppose to bring you happiness dude. My plant makes me happy and i haven't even smoked it yet. Just listen to your plant dude.


Well-Known Member
Ok dude. Come on it's just for a week or 2 you can do this. When your first growing it don't forget it's just a plant dude. Lol it grows naturally outdoors. Just pretend it's just like any other plant dude if something looks fucked up take a pic and ask RIU. Don't stress out dude this plantis suppose to bring you happiness dude. My plant makes me happy and i haven't even smoked it yet. Just listen to your plant dude.

Dude!!! Open a book or do some research online. You will get so much information faster than asking 1 question at a time. No, offense. Start planning your questions, so you can get all your answers at once. Growing is not hard. Its all about commitment and motivation! You need to learn about Nutrients that the plant needs. Your asking the size of pot to grow and what ground (soil) to use obviously you need to do a little more research. If you don't understand something then thats when you start asking questions. Not, these simple questions you could have answered with a little reading. The power of googling.:idea:


Well-Known Member
can good pot grow if there arent any added nutrients to the soil. the natural ground has decent nutrient levels i think because of all the plants that are there. the spot i was thinkin of is like a little gulley behid my house just off the property line. It isnt a huge guley, or slope if u will, and there are houses in the area, but no one goes up and down the hill. But also there are a fair amount of foliage that i could maybe cut a bit to allow the light to hit the plant. but i am really only concerned as to whether a pot plant can grow nice and big or at least a decent size in all natural soil. I could maybe add some molasses but that would be about it. my hopes are at least two ounces a plant. they also wont be grown indoors at all but instead germinated and then planted directly in the soil. Any advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
i would fill up the soil a bit more than 3/4 of the bucket,,, and i suggest u get some at least some FFOF (fox farm ocean forest) , im guessing u could get at any hydroponics/garden store or walmart.. dont use dirt from the ground , its crap...

when the seed is germinated (look it up if yuh dont already know) , just put the sprout pointing down in the soil and cover it just with a thin layer , dont put it in deep....ok lyk just dig a small space enough for the seed, and just cover it with a pinch of soil..

There is never an approx date when to water it regularely but heres a tip... stick ur index finger in the dirt and whenever its dry , water it , if it moist , leave it alone and wait for it to dry up .... its a waiting game basically (idk wtf i just said) lol

I've learned that its best to keep it in 18/6 for veg growth and for flowering 20/4... but wait ur growing outdoor and u cant control the sun :p lol

just research online man cuz i have been doing that ever since and i need to start my first grow STILL (im a hard loafter) im planning on growing outdoor too but you know what man lyk McGyver said just chill out , do ur thing , dont stress out but make sure u grow those plants sooner or later or else ur gonna get crazy thinking about it , dont hesitate just GROW! Peace... hope this was a help bro



Well-Known Member
...pin some fake flowers on them, don't make them too pretty....don't make them stand out. Just get some gay ass plastic flowers and safty pin them around your plants....works great.

AHAHAHAHA. I did that last year for my outdoor grow. I got a bunch of boring lookin orange fake flowers and put them in my plants.

It even fooled the hummingbirds. Boy were they pissed.


If your starting it in doors and growing outdoors you don't need a bucket, just use a cup and poke some holes in the bottom (maybe plant a few in different cups). Germinate your seeds, than plant it in the cup...wait a week or two than transplant to outside...
above all just research! If you don't know what germinating is, google it or something. Use the FAQ on this website as it has a lot of useful tips.


Well-Known Member
Riott man exactley. I was plannin on doin exactly what you said. But was wondering if it was really necessay to add even more soil then wats gonna be in the small plastic cup. I have been researchin for like a year now and know tons, but wanted be told by an actual person and not an article. cus the soil has tons of decayed trees and stuff so i think that makes the soil have lots of nutrients but was jus tryin to make sure. Cus i wanna grow sum fuckin dank over here. right now im just doin a test germination to see if the seeds are gonna even pop so i dont invest too much for nuthin. and i tried to find FOX FARM but couldnt find it at my local garden shop so ima go with HYPONEX unless you have a reason why not to.


Riott man exactley. I was plannin on doin exactly what you said. But was wondering if it was really necessay to add even more soil then wats gonna be in the small plastic cup. I have been researchin for like a year now and know tons, but wanted be told by an actual person and not an article. cus the soil has tons of decayed trees and stuff so i think that makes the soil have lots of nutrients but was jus tryin to make sure. Cus i wanna grow sum fuckin dank over here. right now im just doin a test germination to see if the seeds are gonna even pop so i dont invest too much for nuthin. and i tried to find FOX FARM but couldnt find it at my local garden shop so ima go with HYPONEX unless you have a reason why not to.
Did you buy the seeds? Because if your just doing random seeds I wouldn't invest too much at first. You don't even know how there going to turn out. But marijuana is commonly referred to as weed for a reason! It's just that it's a weed and is very resilient as so. If other shit like weeds and bushes grow there, than weed most likely can too! Just make sure to plan the transplant to outside right after the last frost (depends on where you live I guess). Just make sure it's growing during a time where the temp doesn't drop too low because it will kill your plants if its cold enough to have frost on the ground...
As for the soil, I use just basic potting soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite. (so yes HYPONEX will work just fine) Althought, the advice I gave you before about the germination I can base on personal experience, a lot of this information is just based on research. I know you've researched quite a bit, but it never hurts to learn more!


Well-Known Member
KK, so i am buying seeds, 10 strawberry cough and 10 blueberry from this guy i know. but right now im trying to germinate 5 mystery seeds. 3 of the five look kinda crappy though so i think only two will sprout. but as long as the ones im buying are good seeds then its all good with me. Im probably gonna grow the two mystery ones inside cus for longer than the others cus i dont know how they'll turn out. But like one of the seeds ive been germinating for two days and nuthin and i think its cus it is a bad seed. Its kinda whitish green. hahaha its almost 4:20. and also i gots 420 of from school, gonna be epic