Listen to me, someone who has taken shrooms and lsa plenty of times. You can either handle shrooms...or you can't. No matter what, once in a while when tripping, your going to feel bad. If you have a strong control over your mind like i do, then you can take 8 grams of shrooms and be fine.<<<I took a 2 hour shower.
But, if you have a low tolerance for pycedelics(sorry for spelling, i'm tokin my bong), then you should not take them. At all, if you can't handle them then you can try and take a little, but then there is no visuals and that is the point. There is a comedown on shrooms. I usually take lsa and sleep after the good part. This makes sure i have no negative turns.
But, if you decide to take them! Make sure you have friends around you, and not authority figures. Stress is the worst possible thing when tripping. Also, make sure you have something planned, i usually have the xbox set up with guitar hero, GTA. Since you're taking shrooms, the come up will probably make you nautious, smoke a bowl, get some pepto, or eat a meal after them. Stay safe and remember this above all else! If you feel like shit, it is only temporary, the next day will have no lasting effects!