I want CFL candy...


Well-Known Member
nice t c ya billy m8.................... took 6 cuts from kandy only 5 survived the op, all the rest are sweet apart from ladyburn???


Well-Known Member
That powder is legit, I get roots at around 7 days 100% with out a heat mat using powder hormone and rockwool.
im a good ol soil grower m8, if the cut dont look right to me i scrap it............. thumbs up to the rooting powder tho


Well-Known Member
mornin pal things...
all is lookin good m8 - now ive got 1 mother kandy ( 5 cuts are goin to a worthey cause ) 6 cole train cuts ( 5 are goin the same place ) dna sc is doin great and ladyburn is still a midgit lol............. oh and 2 autos av popped on 20/4.............. so al gooooood lol pics l8r


Well-Known Member
ok the pic update.........


does this look like it fillin up or what lol..............


big momma kandy is doin to good so im gonna snip some more l8r this week...........


the 5 kandy cuts and the ladyburn ( nickname shrimp ) cuts are doin nice..........


and the 6 new cole train cuts ( also reserva privada ) of which i will keep 1..............


and the 3 frutta di venus of which 2 are on their way already.................


all is good and green in my lil world, all comments welcome.............now for a pizza:weed:


Well-Known Member
ok ppl where oh where to begin................... the age old story again :-? 1 x happy grower and 2 x local idiots tryin it on = 26" bat comes out and ambulance and police are called they scout about and arrest me but get bailed (no bat found lol ) to be safe packed lights and autos an moved to safe place but in the middle of the tent coming down and bagging others up doors come in:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::dunce: long story short im away with a caution ( think theres spys outside lol ) autos were loverly, shame bout the clones n momma..........................................:cuss:


Well-Known Member
was ok m8 had a death on 13th dec funeral on 23rd bt all went good and isnt all bad ive got the lights some dna cuts back off a friend and a new location jus a bit scitzy now lol:clap: