I want the perfect cure.. can u help me out?


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up RIU...well I went and got a 60x-100x scope and my plant is 50 amber and 50 cloudy so it's chop chop time in my eyes lol... But I want to make sure I have everything needed to make sure I have a perfect cure so my shit taste good... all I have is mason jars what else do I need? Thanks
Get a hygrometer, aim for 4-7 days drying time, I like to dry at 40% RH. When you jar them, humidity in the jar should be 65%, and burped down to 55%. If it's >70% in the jar, leave them out for 12 hours, re-jar and check again.
I'm not sure if it's the best way, but I cured my last batch 2 months this way, I was very happy.


Active Member
i like to hang em upside down in a cool dark place, no fan wit the humidity not to high and not to low, and then i clip off the buds wen there dry to the touch, put them in jars for a day then start opening the jars everyday and see how they feel, if there real damp ill take them out of the jar and lay them on paper for an hour or 2 then stick it back in the jar and repeat till im satisfied


Misguided Angel
Thanks for all the speedy feedbacks i'm going to get that meter from Ebay and see how it goes....
Make sure you go with a decent hygrometer like the caliber III, it is worth the extra couple of bucks to ensure you are getting a proper reading.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you go with a decent hygrometer like the caliber III, it is worth the extra couple of bucks to ensure you are getting a proper reading.
Yeah i'm going to get the hydroset xikar hygrometer SimonD had on his page from the link self Dutch oven posted...
Probably 1 week bare minimum before the smell starts coming back, it gets stinky after 3 weeks. You really see the full potential come around after ~3-4 weeks of curing. They definitely change visually and start to give off a strong smell. I noticed big improvement in potency and smoke quality as well.
IMO you will see big improvements in the first 8 weeks. The quality improves drastically every week up to a month, then it improves at half that pace the next month, and basically I found the difference after 3 months slightly better but not very much, and it was all gone by month 5.....


Well-Known Member
Probably 1 week bare minimum before the smell starts coming back, it gets stinky after 3 weeks. You really see the full potential come around after ~3-4 weeks of curing. They definitely change visually and start to give off a strong smell. I noticed big improvement in potency and smoke quality as well.
IMO you will see big improvements in the first 8 weeks. The quality improves drastically every week up to a month, then it improves at half that pace the next month, and basically I found the difference after 3 months slightly better but not very much, and it was all gone by month 5.....
I hope I can hold out 3 Weeks lol but i'm going to try to hold off.but thanks for the info... How do I plus rep u... Lol


Well-Known Member
Probably 1 week bare minimum before the smell starts coming back, it gets stinky after 3 weeks. You really see the full potential come around after ~3-4 weeks of curing. They definitely change visually and start to give off a strong smell. I noticed big improvement in potency and smoke quality as well.
IMO you will see big improvements in the first 8 weeks. The quality improves drastically every week up to a month, then it improves at half that pace the next month, and basically I found the difference after 3 months slightly better but not very much, and it was all gone by month 5.....
So since i'm only about a week in on my cure process. The smell shouldn't bother that its not there yet? Cuz the buds r beautiful but no smell yet i'm just trying to make sure this is right bcuz they said pineapple express is 1 of the best and i'm trying to have the same...thanks