I want to buy this led, thoughts?

Look like I said adding this 150 watt helped me considering I have the same exact setup asshole....as I say again what is currently working for me not the god damn gospel of marijuana just what worked for me cheaply in a tight spot. Some of you are the most know it all dickfaces to be had on net forums and I've been around them since they've been around so fucking aye that is saying a lot. Stop acting like me explaining what is working for me is claiming I'm ed Rosenthal himself. Jesus fuck some of yall need to get out and socialize outside of this fucking machine so you know basic respect. Trust me you arent speaking to people face to face the way you are and that's what the net is causing. A gen of assholes for no reason because they dont know repercussions or respect. Ok now relax and dont take your asshole day out on me. That's not cool lol not even in jokes.

As I said this is what worked for me. Lol some people on this forum are unreal. I just ask a question and get shit on and I dont really enjoy being shit on. Also ha dont kick your cat leave him/her out of it....damn innocent bystander n shit. I shouldnt have to do that.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a girl throws a hissy fit.

Feel better now?

BTW - If you scroll up on the conversation, you will see that I in no way insulted you. I was only mentioning the inefficiency of low watt SE HIDs. You're the one who started in with the "know it all dickfaces" and "asshole" stuff. You need to check yourself, son.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a girl throws a hissy fit.

Feel better now?

BTW - If you scroll up on the conversation, you will see that I in no way insulted you. I was only mentioning the inefficiency of low watt SE HIDs. You're the one who started in with the "know it all dickfaces" and "asshole" stuff. You need to check yourself, son.
Lol ok bud. No it was the shit about using your phone ....idc dude it's not that serious. I just dont enjoy being spoken down to, which you did.
I never understood how stoners can fight... I mean, I don't think I've ever felt angry with this stuff floating through my brain and body!
I think everyone needs to roll up a phatty and chill.
Too many threads on this site turn into a pansy bitch fest about opinions.
That’s what social media is for. Lol
I'm just going by my particular grow and my particular results, what works for me may not for others and yeah 600w would be better lol it came with a 150 I'm using cause I only have 3 small autos . Some of yall come off as the most know it all assholes I've ran across and that's saying alot this being the internet and all. It works for me in fact made a massive difference and I believe in science n the light spectrum a hps puts out during flowering is very fundamentally needed by ripening buds. Now tell me how I'm wrong lol.
My bad Johnny bravo you're right I was offensive towards you first, was a bad morn. I apologize dude. I called you the asshole when you were only correcting me. Again apologies
Whoa I missed the fucking idiot part...look I'm trying to be the better man but I've been around a long time be it this forum or not and a little respect when speaking to one is not a big ask of myself I dont believe.

Anyway good luck with your grow dude.