I want to find a mentor.


Active Member
Anyone in the Sacramento area want a hardworking, reliable apprentice? I'll do grunt work for free in exchange for help dialing in my own garden. I'm a legal patient halfway through my second grow, and though I've made major strides, I know I can learn even that much more from an experienced guide.

I'd also like to hear from anyone who may have a similar relationship; how did you find a mentor?


Well-Known Member
You should attend the RIU BBQ at Camp Far West Lake, on Sat. You will have a chance to meet many experienced local growers, myself included. You should be able to find what you need.
Stop by & say hi

P.S. The is a thread in the outdoor forum with more info, see you there!


Active Member
Wow! Especially after the relative silence I got before your reply, this is one helluva warm welcome; 'ppreciate it!

I'm going to check out the thread you mentioned to get more details, but the timing and location seem so perfect, I really want to come.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
infrared, RIU software was acting up terribly so I wouldn't be to surprised if people missed your thread. Anyway welcome from an even newer newbie :)