i want to know all about lsd


Well-Known Member
I like acid a lot more better than shrooms, If its your first time doing acid take 1 hit and dont drive yourself crazy waiting for it to kick in.

I find myself being in more control on acid than shrooms, shrooms just make me fucked up.


New Member
LSD is a gamble. If you find a guy with clean acid...it's fantastic. If it's cut with gawd knows what...can be less fantastic.

Overall...I think mushrooms are better. More expensive and shorter trip...but less potentially harmful to your system.
ummm yeah, but are you sure of your shrooms? ...POTENTIALLY DEADLY if you take the wrong ones. if others have done them great, you're safe and they are cool to do.


Well-Known Member
This thread has died down horribly...

So here is a proposition for you folks...

Lsd and Sensory Deprivation tanks... combine the two and new magic is bound to occur... or a nice amount of ketamine wouldnt hurt too ;)


Well-Known Member
Correct, dont be like super rad... I found shrooms on my lawn... those my friends are just their for looks... especially if you live in southern cali!
oh my god man if u know someone selling pink stars BUY THEM!!!! they are the bomb.it was my first time n me n a few mates decided to go the the beach n take some trips so when where geting rdy to go we all drop our trips about 20 mins later we leave my house another 5 mins go by and where driving through town n im tottaly tripping balls i look at my arm and my arm hairs look like there dancing so i start laghiing soooo hard i start crying n my cheecks get sore.we finaly go to the beach n my mate decieds he want to have a tree climbing race so offf we go climbing as fast as i can im almost to the top n i slip and hug the tree to try n stop falling but it dosent help very much i just slid down the tree hugging it.i get up off the ground n lift up my shirt and from my belly botton to my collar bone is cut up as fuck.then we went swimming n forgot all about it once i got out of the water the visuals started kicking in n i was seeing double like when i would look at a building i would see 2 n they where all morphing and chaningin coulers then out of no where a patter appers n im like wtf the i kind of gets hazy from there but fuck its was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun


Well-Known Member
oh my god man if u know someone selling pink stars BUY THEM!!!! they are the bomb.it was my first time n me n a few mates decided to go the the beach n take some trips so when where geting rdy to go we all drop our trips about 20 mins later we leave my house another 5 mins go by and where driving through town n im tottaly tripping balls i look at my arm and my arm hairs look like there dancing so i start laghiing soooo hard i start crying n my cheecks get sore.we finaly go to the beach n my mate decieds he want to have a tree climbing race so offf we go climbing as fast as i can im almost to the top n i slip and hug the tree to try n stop falling but it dosent help very much i just slid down the tree hugging it.i get up off the ground n lift up my shirt and from my belly botton to my collar bone is cut up as fuck.then we went swimming n forgot all about it once i got out of the water the visuals started kicking in n i was seeing double like when i would look at a building i would see 2 n they where all morphing and chaningin coulers then out of no where a patter appers n im like wtf the i kind of gets hazy from there but fuck its was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun
I am more ecstatic then a teddy rupskin BEAR ;)