i want to know what you guys think about my grow plans!!!

I'm going to be starting my first closet grow. My grow space is 2'x3'x5' I'm going to b using a 150w hps and 4 26w cfls all through flowering and veging. For soil and nutes I'm gonna b using fox farm ocean forest and perlite 60% ffof and 40% perlite and for flowering I'm using tiger bloom. I'm gonna veg for 3 weeks and flower for 2 months I'm gonna grow northern lights x big bud and northern light blue. So how do u guys think I'm gonna do. Arround how many oz can I get if everything goes rite? Is 2'x3'x5' enough for 2 plants and can they touch. Thanks in advance :?


not a pro but sounds good lemme know how the fox farm does ive never used it and am lookin for a good soil. and the plants can touch it shouldnt b a problem at all just be sure no moisture from sprayin is in between the leaves where they are touchin

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Hey dude. I'd suggest that instead of using the Tiger Bloom you use Big Bloom. The Tiger Bloom is a bit hot for most systems and a lot of people have some trouble with it. The Big Bloom is a little more gentle and great for assisting in flowering. Since you're beginning flowering so soon I also suggest that you don't even bother with the Grow Big. All you'll need is the Big Bloom.

It's good you're using so much perlite. I'd suggest using more like a 75% soil 25% perlite mixture when you plant the seed (like in a party cup or small container) to give a little more structure for the younger root system. When you transplant to a larger planter then you can use the 40% perlite. With the Ocean Forest and your seedling you're not going to want to feed for a while. It shouldn't be too hot, but there's enough food in that soil for at least the first 20 to 25 days of life.

If feeding full strength a good habit is to feed, water, water, water, feed, water... You can also do more like 40% strength feedings and feed, feed, water, feed, feed, water... You can tell when to water by lifting the planter up, when it is outrageously light you'll water again to complete saturation with at least 20% running through the container to remove excess salts and keep the media healthy. Watering or feeding every 3 days or when the planter is dry is the best habit. Sooner than every other day and you probably need to transplant to a larger container.

Big Bud is a relatively moderate feeder during flowering. Not too heavy, or too light, pretty stable and hearty all around. The flowers will pack on, so hitting it with with the extra nutrients at the right time is what is important to do.


Well-Known Member
Tiger bloom is the main fox farm flowering nute line. Big bloom is a supplement for flowering. Just look at the NPK on the big-bloom and it's obvious this isn't meant to be an NPK source. Your experience may vary, especially when it comes to macro nutes, as plants can store quite a lot of them and live for long periods off what is stored.

I use FF nutes for veg and flower and have been quite happy, however, I am careful to acclimate plants, which is important for these highly concentrated soluble nutes.

Other than that, I'd say the above post is good info :)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The soil has enough nutrition in it to suffice for the majority of the grow. The little nutrition that Big Bloom does contain is enough for most strains.

Given that only 20 days of vegetative life is being allowed there is no reason to even introduce a vegetative nutrient. I find Tiger Bloom to be too hot. So, given the options, I think Big Bloom is all that is required. The soil organics will take care of the rest.


Well-Known Member
yep that's the point. If you are using soil additives, then those are your flower nutes and you just need micro supplement, that's what big bloom is. otherwise you will double the npk they get and that will surely burn.