I Want to Learn Anatomy of Marijuana

thanks Figong i've never grown anything so i guess a general knowledge of plants would definitely help me with my grow as well a guide tailored specifically to growing marijuana

Yup, it will.. and if you need pdf books on grafting or other, I have a very nice collection of links, and files to share that will be of infinite value to you - just shoot me a mail whenever, if you're interested and we'll work it out :)
Go to Google and type in "cannabis anatomy"

lol that's definitely the first thing i did but i couldn't find anything that went into detail. i've been watching grow videos and reading some threads on RIU so i think i have a decent overview of the marijuana plant but i want to know as much as i can before i start my first grow in august.
Yup, it will.. and if you need pdf books on grafting or other, I have a very nice collection of links, and files to share that will be of infinite value to you - just shoot me a mail whenever, if you're interested and we'll work it out :)

i would definitely appreciate that.....i'm about to PM you my email right now
Mike....if your serious about learning about the plant.....Marijuana Botany By Robert Connell Clarke.....its a definitive advanced study of Cannabis.......... The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.......... Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.......... Each book is priced between $25.00 and $30.00 dollars but worth thier weight in gold.....and if you want to grow.....its super nice to have a book you can pull out when you have a question... There you go bud.....good luck!!


all my favorites. go to abes or powells used books to buy.
Mainly I wanted to know what a cotyledon is but I also want to know details like how nutrients are distributed and how the plant grows(like literally what makes the plant grow and how) things of that nature

Look on You Tube. I am not kidding. Shitloads of pot vids.
Any book on plant physiology, followed by books on pesticides and systemics will give you a decent understanding of the hows/whys of the plant, and how pesticides depending on their type can greatly affect the grow in question. Books on horticulture will help with this in a more broad sense, but will help in all other areas plant-related too.

True That!!!
If you can get them used, the Ed Rosenthal series Buds 1-4 aren't bad. Strain descriptions with other info interspersed. Not worth retail IMO but ok used.
If you can get them used, the Ed Rosenthal series Buds 1-4 aren't bad. Strain descriptions with other info interspersed. Not worth retail IMO but ok used.

thanks barnbuster i'm sure i will be able to find it on the internet and download it for free
here check out Ms. Flames thread she gets the basics across ncie in a straight forward way

and [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]then there are the Jorge Cervantes videos (floating around on teh interwebz youtube, pirate whatevs floats ya boat.... tee hee im a pirate) but i feel it is a lot more of how grow rooms work rather than how plants work both are good and necessary to know but the how plants work is more important ..... you can figure the rest of the shit out based on an understanding of the organism[/FONT]
here check out Ms. Flames thread she gets the basics across ncie in a straight forward way

and then there are the Jorge Cervantes videos (floating around on teh interwebz youtube, pirate whatevs floats ya boat.... tee hee im a pirate) but i feel it is a lot more of how grow rooms work rather than how plants work both are good and necessary to know but the how plants work is more important ..... you can figure the rest of the shit out based on an understanding of the organism

thanks for the link dan and i definitely agree most videos show more of how the grow room works than how the actual plant works which is why i made this thread