i want to stretch my plants a lilttle???


Active Member
ok so as the tittle says, i have a clone and two seedlins in a small closet on top i have clones and a small 35watt tube floro light below are the plantsa i want to make a tad bitt taller so would stretching a small bit do this? im thinking about doing it by shutting off all the lights over them however my bedroom light and the clones light will still be on so will they stretch to those lights?


Active Member
iv been waiting.. this is my seconed grow iv vegged for 3-4 months now and i want them taller they got root bound a lil in small planters till i put them in the bigger ones they grow a bit then just stopped


Well-Known Member
just move the light farther away. Kind of stupid thing to do though. Once you put them in flower they will stretch naturally. If they are stretched before that they won't be able to support their own weight and will fall over.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't understand why you would want to do this. artificially stretching the plants with light manipulation is not going to increase the yeild, it's only going to make spindly plants with super spaced out nodes that can't hold up buds. why do they have to be taller? and you've been vegging for 4 months under a 35w tube and they aren't stretched enough? do you mean weeks?


Active Member
lol you guys got it all wrong in my closet there just shelfs the shelve above the lights for the bigger plants is where my clones are with the 35 watt tube, the plants them selfs have a ton of CFL's i only want to streach is a few inches my nodes are really close together and the steams are really fat so spindly and falling over its own weight wont be a prob, and i just want a tall plant yeald is not what im after if i was id just make cuts on the plant to shoot out new tops.


New Member
If it's been that long you have a problem, before worrying about their height you need to figure out why they aren't growing, even 35 watts should be enough for a plant to grow in veg,


Well-Known Member
short nodes are best. Stronger plant. As long as it is getting new growth, it's all good. Now if you problem is that it isn't getting new growth, "stretching" ain't gonna help it.


Active Member
all together with my cfls there about 150-200 watts ill upload a pic soon to show you guys what i mean and what im after
[D]ark[L]eaf;4924968 said:
all together with my cfls there about 150-200 watts ill upload a pic soon to show you guys what i mean and what im after
Dude, i know everyone tries to sound like an expert in here and alot of these threads get redundant, but two inches between nodes is good at the start of flowering..


Well-Known Member
Like everyone says here, you do not want them to stretch, just flower them bitches and they will start reaching toward the light.