I was born a poor, white child...

because you have a chance at being male or female..hence gender.

to identify with absolutely no genetic markings..she's merely doing just that 'identifying'..however, if she has black heritage and one of her ancestors was, she may and has the right as does elizabeth warren..ancestry is ancestry no matter how far removed.

why don't you send your DNA out and see if you have any surprises there, DD?

i think they sell kits at wal-mart.
So are you saying she can't self identify as black if she chooses?
So liberals, a man/woman can be "born in the wrong body" but a black woman can't be born into a white girls body?
No it's a "liberals only tolerate people on their list" joke.

Freedom for trans-racial people! Civil rights issue of the decade, etc.

I want a cake with those words on it. Do you know a Baker who will refuse my request so we can kick this vitally important issue up to the supreme court?
Instead of asking liberals, you should be asking science. What does the peer-reviewed research say?

Hmm, I wonder what the peer-reviewed research says...
It says most mammals have one pair of sex chromosomes and the Y identifies the male.

We don't care if you want to ignore that and change your gender identification, why the big deal over this woman identifying as black?

From what I've read, she was doing a decent job of advancing the cause for blacks. I would think liberals would give her an award instead of showing her the door.

It's weird that the liberals are the ones that seem most upset about this (here at RIU).

"but she lied!!"
"but science!!"

Caitlin Jenner has an identifiable sex pair of chromosomes that contains a Y. As far as the nuts and bolts of what science understands about gender, she's a he. Psychologically you can make a different argument, but the hard sciences trump the soft sciences every time, so your point makes no sense.
From what I've read, she was doing a decent job of advancing the cause for blacks. I would think liberals would give her an award instead of showing her the door.

She resigned ya dingus. The rest of your post was similarly nonsensical but lies like this deserve to be highlighted because of the intensely hateful views you espouse.

If a black woman pretended to be white in order to lead a white advocacy group, she'd be killed by a violent rabble of bigoted lynching racists who espouse debunked pseudoscientific evolutionary racism that you also espouse. It's a good thing that black civil rights leaders aren't so bigoted, violent and hateful.