I was cleaning out a drawer...and found some friends


i was wondering, i got one good seed growing as of now...today while cleaning i found like 15 seeds from a oz of reggie (sticks and twigs) i was wondering...if the good seed fails. is there a chance these seeds can turn into something good. or will they just bring me reggie?? is reggie just a good plant pulled super early?? or whats the scenario


Well-Known Member
reg's could be any kind .I have took some crap bag seed and grown some kick ass bud from it.the sucky part is you could have male's and will only know when you start to flower them


Well-Known Member
Sup Stone, i had the same thoughts when i first started, Reggie is jus a plant that was not taken care of properly, so the thc content was low and its darker than the high grades. the girl i have now is from a bag of some reg i had and she is fuckin awsome now, smells like kush. u jus have to take care of it and it will do the same in return.


thanks man just what i was hoping..ive got alot of rrom for mess ups lol as long as i can get one female ill be happy. so when is reg chopped then?? i dont know what to make of the situtation..2months seems like a long time but then it doesnt...i do 1oz a month so i was thinking 3 small plants year round should keep me up to par..or would one mega grow be the best way to go..12oz at one go and call it a year?? idk some many thoughts so little time and money


Well-Known Member
Reggie is usually weed that was chopped too late, because wen the plant is cut down too late the thc staarts to degrade and it becomes less potent. and 2 months is deff not enough time for any herb lol this is a process that takes TIME and PATIENCE. if u have the space and money i would say that a big grow would b best for u if u smoke a zip a month. jus do a lil research on here, u can learn alot (LST, FIM, SCROG). if u scrong right u may ony have to do like 3 or 4 plants and u can deff reach ur goal of 12 zips.


yeah ive been doing alot of research, but its hard to make the decision...so many different ways..i wanted to go led but the shop by my house wants 175 for a custon led "sign" with about 250watt blue,orange,red and white lights...they are super bright but idk if thats the way to go if im going to make one nice purchase. money got tight real quick. my dealer ripped me off and my under the table job went away because its not construction season anymore...went from making 1000/wk to zip in a matter of 2weeks..seeing as im only 19 i dont save very much and what i did manage to save ima put myself threw car audio school...so yeah cheap home grown weed is on my mind lol


Well-Known Member
Bro ur preaching to the choir, if i was to acually tell u the lights i have for my gilr u would laugh at me but i guarantee i will get some potent bud cuz i know wat to look for and how to treat her. dont stress about the money situation jus become creative. ive been followin a guys grow and he's doin a scrog and his screen is mad of k'nex.


please share lol im seeding/veg under a 13watt cfl!! i got a fluorescent light from my garage and the ballic is cooked on it..so now im s.o.l. and pay day is far away...i can pull this off for 2 more weeks but ima need to find good dirt a bigger pot and some stronger lights..and creative advice is helpful dude. im creative but nothing in my house is good. i have 500watt halogen light and xenon and incandescent lights up the ass but only 13 watt cfls...3000k at tht couldnt even have 6500k now my baby is stretching like a motha fucka!!!


Well-Known Member
dude i have two 23w cfls on the side of my girl and 2 fluorescent tubes on top. the this is with those cfl u can get really close to the tops w/o burinin them so try to do so and wen ever u can save up like 10 bucka nd go get a pair of 23w or 26w cfls and stack up on em. i saw a dude on here that used straight cfls, he had 14 of them. and there is a trick where u can take the seedling out of the soil, make sure not to damage the roots and replant it so that the stem is buried. im tellin u its a shit load of info on here


lol that was gonna be my set up man.. i have pics up from my other post. that looks like my plant lol mine is only a week old and is very stretched. but making it lol you gave me so much hope haha


Well-Known Member
i was wondering, i got one good seed growing as of now...today while cleaning i found like 15 seeds from a oz of reggie (sticks and twigs) i was wondering...if the good seed fails. is there a chance these seeds can turn into something good. or will they just bring me reggie?? is reggie just a good plant pulled super early?? or whats the scenario
The traits a plant exhibits (phenotypes) are mostly programmed into its genetics. Potency, height, smell, flavor, etc., all are decided by the plant's genetics. Regs is just essentially a grade of herb, not necessarily a strain or variety. Regs could be lower potency pot to begin with or it could also be herb that wasn't given the proper care and never reached its true potential. We used to call seeded, brick weed regs (or schwag). It's different depending on where you come from though. Happy growing!:weed: