I was sent to a controversial behavioral modification program for young adults.


I am sure you will all be interested in what I am about to write. In fact, every time I have told this story people have begged me to tell more. The thing is, it is very hard to remember all the details.. literally so many crazy things happened. So, I will tell the basic story and then hopefully you will all ask questions I can answer. That would make it a lot easier.

Ok. When I was 17 years old I stopped going to school. This was in the year 2000. I'll admit, I was a bit of a problem child. Nothing crazy, I just thought it was a waste of time going to school, and I wouldn't listen to my parents. I was soon to be expelled from school for absences, and my parents knew that if I didn't graduate before I was 18, I never would.

They met with the school and asked what they could do for me, as they were clueless. The school recommended a school that even now, after all these years, I am afraid to name in fear of it being attached to me in any way, shape, or form. I am sure I will give enough hints for you all to find out the name with some good googling. The school showed my parents brochures of smiling teenagers, studying, kayaking, and promising obedience. I was unaware that my parents were about to send me to the place that's probably fucked me up more than anything else in my life.

It was the middle of winter, January, around 3:00 AM when two large men burst into my room and dragged me screaming from my bed. I was handcuffed, thrown in the back of an unmarked van which gunned it for the highway. I wasn't allowed to talk and they wouldn't answer any of my questions. I thought I was going to die.

After a 20 hour ride, I arrived in the secluded woods of Maine. I was taken to an office and they told me I would be here for the next two years. I asked to call my parents and they told me I could not talk to anyone outside the school for at least six months. I thought this was crazy, and told them I would not cooperate. This was the first time I was thrown into the corner.

They basically took me into a dark room, and put me in the corner, guarded by another student. There were only around 5-6 staff members for 180 kids. The students had a series of "jobs" which would range anywhere from scrubbing a dumpster with a toothbrush to physically restraining other students. I was in the corner for almost a day, and every four hours they would ask "Are you ready to cooperate?" Finally I gave in, decided these people were fucking insane and I would just go along with whatever they said.

Now here's where the craziness starts. I was assigned another student to watch over me and show me how things were done. I was assigned to House 3, which also consisted of a large dining room where about 65 kids were. This is when I witnessed my first "General Meeting". I heard a councilor scream 'GENERAL FUCKING MEETING!'

There was a kid named Matt, and he was in trouble for talking to a girl or something. I don't exactly remember. Anyway, he was brought to the front of the room and a broom was placed in front of him. The councilor then went 'GET YOUR FUCKING FEELINGS OFF' and in groups of 5 the students went up and screamed the most hateful horrible things at this kid. The councilor actually told the kid that his mom informed the school that he was the reason his dad killed himself. Knowing what I know now about the school, I am positive that was a lie just to fuck with the kid.

After all 65 kids(including me, as if you didn't do it you would get in even worse trouble) ran up and screamed at him, he was literally drenched in spit and broken down in tears sobbing like a baby.

There's a lot more to this story, obviously. As I was there for a year and a half. I actually had a position where I had to restrain other students who would try to spit on me, jack off on me, attack, etc.

There was one phone in the school which was monitored by another student, and if you said anything bad about the program while talking with your parents the call would immediately be disconnected. (you were allowed this privilege after a while, 10 minutes a month I think)

The school sent my parents fake report cards saying I was getting A's and B's meanwhile there weren't even real classes.

I have to go to work, now. Please ask any questions, as that will make the story way easier to tell.


Well-Known Member
I remember watching a pot documentary where they sent people "addicted" (bullshit) to pot to a place like this. They interviewed a 50ish year old man who was still fucked up from the experience. What did your parents think when they found out the truth, if they ever did?


Well-Known Member
I am sure you will all be interested in what I am about to write. In fact, every time I have told this story people have begged me to tell more. The thing is, it is very hard to remember all the details.. literally so many crazy things happened. So, I will tell the basic story and then hopefully you will all ask questions I can answer. That would make it a lot easier.

Ok. When I was 17 years old I stopped going to school. This was in the year 2000. I'll admit, I was a bit of a problem child. Nothing crazy, I just thought it was a waste of time going to school, and I wouldn't listen to my parents. I was soon to be expelled from school for absences, and my parents knew that if I didn't graduate before I was 18, I never would.

They met with the school and asked what they could do for me, as they were clueless. The school recommended a school that even now, after all these years, I am afraid to name in fear of it being attached to me in any way, shape, or form. I am sure I will give enough hints for you all to find out the name with some good googling. The school showed my parents brochures of smiling teenagers, studying, kayaking, and promising obedience. I was unaware that my parents were about to send me to the place that's probably fucked me up more than anything else in my life.

It was the middle of winter, January, around 3:00 AM when two large men burst into my room and dragged me screaming from my bed. I was handcuffed, thrown in the back of an unmarked van which gunned it for the highway. I wasn't allowed to talk and they wouldn't answer any of my questions. I thought I was going to die.

After a 20 hour ride, I arrived in the secluded woods of Maine. I was taken to an office and they told me I would be here for the next two years. I asked to call my parents and they told me I could not talk to anyone outside the school for at least six months. I thought this was crazy, and told them I would not cooperate. This was the first time I was thrown into the corner.

They basically took me into a dark room, and put me in the corner, guarded by another student. There were only around 5-6 staff members for 180 kids. The students had a series of "jobs" which would range anywhere from scrubbing a dumpster with a toothbrush to physically restraining other students. I was in the corner for almost a day, and every four hours they would ask "Are you ready to cooperate?" Finally I gave in, decided these people were fucking insane and I would just go along with whatever they said.

Now here's where the craziness starts. I was assigned another student to watch over me and show me how things were done. I was assigned to House 3, which also consisted of a large dining room where about 65 kids were. This is when I witnessed my first "General Meeting". I heard a councilor scream 'GENERAL FUCKING MEETING!'

There was a kid named Matt, and he was in trouble for talking to a girl or something. I don't exactly remember. Anyway, he was brought to the front of the room and a broom was placed in front of him. The councilor then went 'GET YOUR FUCKING FEELINGS OFF' and in groups of 5 the students went up and screamed the most hateful horrible things at this kid. The councilor actually told the kid that his mom informed the school that he was the reason his dad killed himself. Knowing what I know now about the school, I am positive that was a lie just to fuck with the kid.

After all 65 kids(including me, as if you didn't do it you would get in even worse trouble) ran up and screamed at him, he was literally drenched in spit and broken down in tears sobbing like a baby.

There's a lot more to this story, obviously. As I was there for a year and a half. I actually had a position where I had to restrain other students who would try to spit on me, jack off on me, attack, etc.

There was one phone in the school which was monitored by another student, and if you said anything bad about the program while talking with your parents the call would immediately be disconnected. (you were allowed this privilege after a while, 10 minutes a month I think)

The school sent my parents fake report cards saying I was getting A's and B's meanwhile there weren't even real classes.

I have to go to work, now. Please ask any questions, as that will make the story way easier to tell.
lol sound like a school near where i live called "belmont park", sounds nice, if you walk past there between 2-3, you get stabbed, the teachers beat the kids and get away with it, the kids beat the teachers and get away with it, there are no real lessons and no1 comes out with a single qualification. i only went there for a week and i honestly cannot believe the evil in some people, before secondry(high school to you yanks) i was kicked out of numirous schools, everytime i went to a new "unit" it showed just how bad the system gets, imagine teachers paying for 10yr old kids drug habits and hooking them up with dealers, imagine kids threatining each other with knives in school, imagine a place where anything goes so far as thier are no witnesses, believe me, at my last unit they told me that if i get kicked out, i will go to "behavior adversion therapy", now back to you, tell us more, ive got storys to tell bout my numerous units, ill even give you a name, my 3rd 1, the wonderful "apple tree centre", first time i saw a 11 yr old heroin addict and the first time i saw a 12 yr old beat a "teacher" till she had almost no teeth and some serious skull reshaping from the bottom of "my fresh air maxes you bitch".


Well-Known Member
I remember watching a pot documentary where they sent people "addicted" (bullshit) to pot to a place like this. They interviewed a 50ish year old man who was still fucked up from the experience. What did your parents think when they found out the truth, if they ever did?
dude the parents dont believe the shit that happens, most of the time they cover it up with fancy words, 1 time this kids face was smashed in and to describe it to the police they used big words like "there was an altercation in the play are where 1 student assualted another before being removed from each others vicinity by staff", the truth was we all watched as 2 kids smash each other as hard as they could till 1 didnt have strength to continue so the other 1 in blind rage kept punching, it was only broken up when the teachers thought the kid was actually dead. seriously man there is some fucked up shit going on in this world.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
thats fucked up, u should have killed someone.

and also u should make this into a movie, but im really waiting to hear about other things that happened in there


Well-Known Member
It's fucked up how these come into play as helping troubled youth. I was sent to one during my "middle school" years and jesus christ I came out more gangster than I did coming in. I actually don't how the hell could that have helped. All you do is meet people worst than you, school is basically forged so you fly through without learning, and you learn how deep your inner-feelings really get. Fuckin' governmental brain washing convicts imo, I wish these things were made more aware to people. Movies seem to do good jobs though. I'd love to hear more of your stories!


Active Member
Wow, thought those kinds of places only existed in movies. That's something to make a documentary about at the very least. Also, if i would have been in that situation, the second i turned 18, i would have been out of there so fast, those peoples head woulds spun like the exorcist. i'm not one for frivolous lawsuit either, but I'm thinking there might be something there too. Places like that will prolly only "learn" to shape up if they get hit in the pocket book.


Well-Known Member
This is a really interesting thread. Crazy shit. I wish I had some questions to get you to keep talking, but I'm drawing a blank.

Did you ever tell anyone else about what happened, or is this the first you've mentioned it?


though I come from a poor as shit family, I grew up in a very wealthy area by majority... so I know a good few kids that went to places like this.... You're lucky you stayed in the states ;) I know a few that were sent to "sister" sites in jamaica and costa rica..... much less rules there... That being said, one of those cats was a really good friend.....

he went to a "school" in montana that sounds alot like your experience.... you had to "earn" your condiments for your meal..... and that was before "earning" the right to write/call your parents..... after almost 2yrs there, he still hadnt "earned" his condiments, the first "priveledge".... so they told his parents "you can take him back home, or you can send him to our 'sister' site in Jamaica, where there are less 'regulations'"...... his parents opted to send him to Jamaica.... He got out at 18, without making any "progress"...
When he got out, he had this "fuck the world because it owes me" attitude...... lived large and partied hard for the next year until he killed himself on a barrage of pills..... He still wouldnt tell me about Jamaica, and I was his best/only friend he had left when he died....

These places are a cop out for parents that have money, but no parenting skills/balls to stand up to their teenager..... bunch of bullshit.


Well-Known Member
If my parent's sent me to a place like that... I am sorry, they would be disowned immediately, and never spoken to again.

You DON'T do that to your own blood... NEVER give up on your own blood, once that bond is broken, it's no longer time for "son" talks.


Well-Known Member
A very good friend of mine was sent to one in Oregon back in the day by her parents. To this day her parents still apologize to her for it. I don't see how those camps are legal and able to be opened... they do nothing but strip you of your rights and dehumanize you. The place in Oregon was closed down as should they ALL as well as every worker be sentenced to prison for 10 years. I almost sometimes wish I was sent to one because I would state my rights until I was released or able to contact family, and if not... literally fight every worker in sight until they sent me to jail where I would at least have rights.

Glad you're out.


Active Member
Wtf why not make a run for it? Drastic times call for drastic measures...no way I'd plan on staying their it's either fight or flight. I mean if you fucked up enough to get sent there IMO you don't have much to lose by running away from school or fighting people(As long as you preserve your life) Anyway I'm glad you made it out with your sanity.


Active Member
Bro my mom tried to send me to one in Utah, and two former military men, one just recently out of the marines, the other an older air force man, who is now a rentable bodyguard/driver and he drove snoop dog around when he was in town at the time, this was when snoop was at part of his prime imo, back in 05 I was 17 too, so these two guys come in at like 3:45 with my mom and are like were taking you to Utah, get dressed were leaving for the airport, so I cooperated cause I was initially in shock, because this is something I thought my parents would never do because my oldest sister was arrested for cocaine, and they didn't really do anything, but then I was just open to my parents about smoking, because lies just don't work well for me I don't like them I think they make relationships fake and I don't want that with the rents. Well anyway I get in the car the younger man who is suppose to fly with me tells me if I try anything he will take me down and I'm like alright trying to be cool and still really just shocked, well we get to the airport by like 4:15 so it's not really open so we're sitting outside security waiting and after about 10 minutes I get my plan, because there was no way I was going I've heard horror stories and no I'm not doing it right, so I tell them I need to walk and there like well okay lets go this way which was kind of closed in well I followed just for a second and juked them out and turned the other and way and was like I think I'm going this way and I was being a huge douche to these guys and I feel bad cause they were just doing their job but their bastards still imo because what they put kids through. So as I'm walking away they grab me by the arm in front of this family and I start this act were I start to panic and I just say loudly Sir I do not Know you please do not touch me SIR do not touch me I do not know who you are! and then I walked by a cop but somehow he didn't care at that time, but I get outside to like were the cars drop you off this is at DFW so its like the upper level walk way if anyone knows about it, well I'm walking all the way to the end continuing this scene and they slowly grab me harder and harder, their really embarrassed and shocked and have no idea what to do, well we get in the parking garage and finally after like 10 minutes a lady ask these two men to follow her to her car cause she heard some calls for help and they do and they find me and break the two guys away from me, and again I feel really bad for these guys cause they had to feel horrible for calling the cops on some kid who these guys are claiming is extremely mentally unstable and he needs to get to a rehabilitation center, well when the cops come the make it clear that I can't fly if I'm like this and they call my mom to come pick me up, well these idiots escort me to my moms car I get in so does she and we head home, they still have to walk all the way back to their car on the other side of the terminal, so we kill them home right, I grab a bag of valuables and some clothes and get in my car overpower my mom and drive away, later that day they come to my friends house and apparently they've been spying one me all day, and I go outside cause I figured that would be better then hiding. It wasn't they throw me in the back of a car after a huge struggle, cops show up again, and we just drive back to my house, they try to convince me to to go I say no and am told I'm cut off, I wake to another buddies house then call my girlfriend to pick me up I stay at her house for 3 nights the morning of the third day, my sister calls my girl friend balling crying and she just gives me the phone like wtf? and I'm like hello? and them my brother in law is on and he's like you may want to sit down, I don't know how to tell you this but your mom has a brain tumor and may die, we need to get out to Augusta, Georgia, cause she went to watch my sister play in a college tournament, it wasn't at Augusta International don't worry haha, but we head out to georgia I say bye to my mom and all is forgiven basically and I just head home cause I couldn't stand being around there I hate feeling useless....but now my parents are really cool actually about smoking and have really turned around and we're closer then ever and its really quite cool, oh fuck sorry I'm real high I forgot to say that my mom turned out actually quite fine the surgery was a huge success, and it completely removed the tumor, and not until and another mri about two weeks later there were no side effects, but the doctor could tell on the scan that she had actually lost her sense of smell, which she just never really realized, because she was basically only at our house and the hospital for the whole time so there was nothing ever to pungent, but that also unfortunately really effects her sense of taste as well, other then that which obviously sucks but comparatively isn't so bad

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would have freaked the fuck out on those people.

I've been in some crazy shit kind of like that. People usually give you some distance if they think your straight up batshit crazy.

my question: Why did you register to RIU to tell us about an experience that happened 10 years ago?


Well-Known Member
Not to make light of your story, but it reminded me of the intro to a shpongle song...



Well-Known Member
though I come from a poor as shit family, I grew up in a very wealthy area by majority... so I know a good few kids that went to places like this.... You're lucky you stayed in the states ;) I know a few that were sent to "sister" sites in jamaica and costa rica..... much less rules there... That being said, one of those cats was a really good friend.....

he went to a "school" in montana that sounds alot like your experience.... you had to "earn" your condiments for your meal..... and that was before "earning" the right to write/call your parents..... after almost 2yrs there, he still hadnt "earned" his condiments, the first "priveledge".... so they told his parents "you can take him back home, or you can send him to our 'sister' site in Jamaica, where there are less 'regulations'"...... his parents opted to send him to Jamaica.... He got out at 18, without making any "progress"...
When he got out, he had this "fuck the world because it owes me" attitude...... lived large and partied hard for the next year until he killed himself on a barrage of pills..... He still wouldnt tell me about Jamaica, and I was his best/only friend he had left when he died....

These places are a cop out for parents that have money, but no parenting skills/balls to stand up to their teenager..... bunch of bullshit.
damn that shit is sad gg.

I would of probably killed someone if I was sent there.I have some bad anger problems and the shit you described would of put me over the edge.I would of made a shank the first week there then went to work on somebody.

If this shit is really that fucked up you should try and blow there whole bullshit operation up and claim yourself a nice lawsuit,Im sure you could use pain,suffering,depression and shit like that in court.If its a federal facility it probably wouldn't happen though.

And to send you to that shit for being absence lol,I was getting arrested for a lot worse shit when I was 15,from how you described that hell hole it makes the county/state seem like a cakewalk.


Well-Known Member
There was an episode of Desperate Housewives (my wife loves that shit and I think this is the only episode I actually ever watched) where the son of the redheaded chick is getting into trouble and he is halled off in the middle of the night and taken to some secluded shool for "troubled kids". Messed up shit man. The OP needs to seek out some counseling or something to help him deal with the trauma he experienced. It sounds kinda cheesy but it actually helps. :joint: