I watched Zeitgeist the movie...Kinda scared...


Well-Known Member
I got a buddy whos "conspiracy theorists" stoner, haha the other day he brought over this movie, Zeitgeist. Busted out the vape, starting smoken hash and watched this movie.

It was pretty sweet, kinda worried me tho.
It challeges pretty much everything, and really made alot of sense.

brought up a lot of philosophical questions, and conspiracy theorys of my own, two things stoners excel at haha.

I thought it'd be a cool topic for discussion.

I found a pretty high quality stream of the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.


Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
my main problem with this film is there are a lot of factual inaccuracies. And I mean A LOT. Look them up...and please don't stop paying your federal income tax because of this movie. Cause you're gonna go to jail!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bank on anything Peter joseph has to say. Zeitgeist was cool, but Watch Zeitgeist addendum, and you'll see he's as much of a commie as the rest.
The Venus project?!?! HA!


Well-Known Member
what is this "zeitgeist" movie you speak of? Write us all a long summary so we know what your talking about.
lol dick :fire:

EDIT: im a "conspiracy theorist" aswell... good movie, opens the mid to possibilities. the religion part was good, made alot of sense. i did a lil research bout it. seemed on track for the most part. The federal bank part isnt even a "conspiracy" theory.. thts literally the way it is. they don't even try to hide it. Just remember the last part is his opinion of wats gona happen... i dont think we'll all be "enslaved" for awhile...


Well-Known Member
Take anything you learn from the media with a grain of salt. I used to believe the stuff they told me in "Documentaries" Then I watched a couple of the weed docs that are out. What makes you think they are the ones telling the truth? The best form of mediais the internet. Google the shit out of anything you hear on TV and find out just how true it is.


Active Member
zeitgeist is a great movie. I couldnt find any "factual inacuricies". For example, Federal Income Tax was adopted during ww2 and was appropriated to the war, which was legal under the constitution. Since the war ended, Federal Income Tax has been an unappropriated tax, which is constitutionally illegal. "There shal be no unappropriated taxes" is right in there. Also, there is no federal or state law that says that as us citizens we have to pay federal income tax. None. Try to find one. therefore it is not illegal to not pay federal income tax. you may go to jail, you may get hasseled, but in the end you will win. They dont have any defense against the constitution.


Active Member

there is the link for those who havent seen it before....REALLY good movie challenges alot of things such as religion and government and as far as NOT paying your income tax well for a movie to blow you away on that then go to you tube and watch Aaron Russo- America Freedom To Fascism that is a movie that has lots of factual stuff in it check it...google it if its not on youtube. lates


Well-Known Member
The only research I've done on the movie so far is about the 9/11 theory. Theres alot of shit that supports that it was an inside job... and thats fucked... and without it the patriot act wouldn't exsist. It is very resonable that a V for vendetta type thing is being attempted... I mean, the U.S media did everything they could make socialized hospitals and post secondary schools look like they are a bad thing. We all know how that worked out... so who know how far the people in power will go for money and control.


Well-Known Member
The only research I've done on the movie so far is about the 9/11 theory. Theres alot of shit that supports that it was an inside job... and thats fucked... and without it the patriot act wouldn't exsist. It is very resonable that a V for vendetta type thing is being attempted... I mean, the U.S media did everything they could make socialized hospitals and post secondary schools was a bad thing and it worked... so who know how far the people in power will go for money and control.
9/11 is def a fucked up situation...
i feel bad for everyone that perished that day...
i dont understand how soulless our gov't can be...
thts why i say....Fuck the Government


Well-Known Member
Jesus tap dancing Christ another Zeitgeist thread. Just because you are a stoner doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the door. Do some research into the film, it is littered will all sorts of inaccuracies but for some reason when you put spooky music on, stoners shut off the rationality side of their brain and just go "ya man, that totally makes sense". Sometimes I wonder if some of you tards could think your way out of a dark closet.


Well-Known Member
9/11 is def a fucked up situation...
i feel bad for everyone that perished that day...
i dont understand how soulless our gov't can be...
thts why i say....Fuck the Government
Right, because the US government has such a badass track record at hiding things.....


Well-Known Member
look matthew, if you're going to spout how it's so inaccurate, the least you could do is point to the exact inaccuracies for us. otherwise you just sound like a tard yourself.


Jesus tap dancing Christ another Zeitgeist thread. Just because you are a stoner doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the door. Do some research into the film, it is littered will all sorts of inaccuracies but for some reason when you put spooky music on, stoners shut off the rationality side of their brain and just go "ya man, that totally makes sense". Sometimes I wonder if some of you tards could think your way out of a dark closet.

its been shown that the analytical part of your brain essentially shuts down in most people when watching tv... which is why people believe everything they see on television.... some psychologists even classify television as an "electronic drug"...


Well-Known Member
Like I already I am doing research into the film, and theres a long list of shit to learn about. Snapping on people for welcoming opinions and encouraging discussion on ANY SUBJECT is fuckin ignorant. If your in a bad mood or something smoke a fuckin bowl or something.

So far no one has claimed to accepted this movie as flat out fact. Its just an exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Theres only one person here that is being irrational...
+rep to that


Well-Known Member
Jesus tap dancing Christ another Zeitgeist thread. Just because you are a stoner doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the door. Do some research into the film, it is littered will all sorts of inaccuracies but for some reason when you put spooky music on, stoners shut off the rationality side of their brain and just go "ya man, that totally makes sense". Sometimes I wonder if some of you tards could think your way out of a dark closet.
Like I already I am doing research into the film, and theres a long list of shit to learn about. Snapping on people for welcoming opinions and encouraging discussion on ANY SUBJECT is fuckin ignorant. If your in a bad mood or something smoke a fuckin bowl or something.

So far no one has claimed to accepted this movie as flat out fact. Its just an exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Theres only one person here that is being irrational...