• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

i waz FKN roobed


Well-Known Member
I never enjoyed killing for sport.Very few people kill for food.Deer and other wild meat taste like crap.Hunters can argue that all they want but if it was good Wal Mart would sell it.The jerky is good but if you consider all the money that goes into this kill sport you could buy a ass load of jerky.Every hunter I have ever met5 has a annoying personality.It takes a certain type of person that actually enjoys the act of killing animals.Every year I always have people wanting to give me their dear meat to make room for the latest kill.I never have people ask if I want beef,pork or chicken.I also could careless what a hunter has to say about what I just said,like I said before they are most times right wing annoying rednecks.
I'm sorry to say, that the variety of hunter you just described does exist, and though they are few and far between, they serve to give the rest of us a bad name. I'm also sorry to hear that this is the type you've come into contact with.

Let me assure you, most of us are not like that. When it comes to the hunt, it isn't the "act" itself that we enjoy, it's the hunt - being in the great outdoors, being close to nature, and trying to be more wiley than the creature you are hunting, who's instincts serve to keep it alive. That is what most hunters enjoy. Most of us also live by the "One shot, one kill" creedo, regardless of what or weapon of choice is, so there is no unnessecary violence, or suffering for the animal. Do cows raised for slaughter enjoy as much consideration?

Lastly - most of us never aim at something we don't plan to use - be it for fur, or food. That is what being a responsible hunter means - not wasting what you harvest. And BTW - many of us do like venison over beef, just because you don't care for it, has nothing to do with hunting. That is like saying - they should stop growing green peppers because myself and my family hate them.

You should try and be more open minded - don't judge an entire set of people based on a few bad eggs.:peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
harsh as f@ck man, id be asking myself did they know the safe was open or just chancing it? sorry for ya mygirls. at least the popo seem interested in getting them. small consolation i know.


Active Member
So it's ok to go to the food store and buy meat that SOMEONE ELSE killed for you but if you hunt for yourself it's not ok? STUPID! It's a shame that so many candy-asses still exist in today's society. Was hoping they would have found their would-be utopia by now and disappeared. I guess people forgot that people used to have to hunt for their food before butchers and food stores were around. I guess it was ok for then and not now. :wall:

I have to agree with most others here, sounds like an inside job for sure. Like others have said too many coincidences.

I have to ask, why the hell would you leave your safe open with almost 6 pounds of weed in it?

Dont get me wrong man, Im not trying to be a jerk or rub it in. Just have to ask.

I also agree with others that Karma will get their asses. Just get your op going again and take care of any security issues.

I have to say thats pretty ballsy of those kids to steal 5 1/2 pounds of weed from a hunter.


Well-Known Member
Your not hearing my opinion your reading it.Im not a liberal I hate the right more then left though.Bitter nope I just don't shoot animals for sport.The guy from the rural area doing it for food that is fine.I see Jesus in your signature,be careful you go to hell for judging.Im not stopping anyone from living their lives,I just don't put a filter on my thoughts.
You ARE quite a bitter person, just look at your post you are ripping me with. You start out with your first explanation as to what you are meaning and the first words out of your mouth (typing hand) are the words "I hate". THEN JUST READ MY LIPS---WE, THE MAJORITY HERE, DON'T WANT YOUR TRIPE SPEWED ON THIS SITE. All you did with this post was remark on me and then try to validate your views? Thank you for showing the rest of us you are as low as we thought. All you are doing now is justifying your own views through the put-down of others...typical of your ilk...you can't convince me you're not liberal (further talk of NOT being one proves it). Simple and to the point..JUST SHUT UP...UNLESS IT'S ABOUT WHAT THIS FORUM SITE IS ALL ABOUT: Growing and cultivating Pot. We don't want other input. And leave my Lord out of your retort thank you. You know nothing of him from what I have discerned. Other than that, I'm done with lowering myself to your very low level...OUT!


Well-Known Member
to the OP:
-> ever thought about getting a dog? I have two that both weigh well over a hundred lbs, it seems to limit all kinds of unwelcome visitors, thieves, door to door salesman, neighbor kids, religion peddlers, all the regular miscreants.. A dog would have put a serious barrier on this situation
-> How many people know where you keep your meds? (I am guessing the unlocked safe is somewhat normal operating procedure)
-> Do you know anyone that knows these kids/thugs?
-> Anything else taken?
-> does the video show them rummaging around or more mission specific?
I would seriously look at your opsec.. Unfortunately it does look/sound like an acutance facilitated in this robbery.. Economic times are tough even friends are under pressure.. :(


Well-Known Member
but you judged the OP when he said he hunts...instantly, you didnt even ask if it was for sport or survival. he never specified wether it was for food or not and if i know MG at all hes gonna eat that meat. you just grouped all hunters together quickfast and passed judgement. then go on to say all game tastes aweful. i know people who say beef tastes aweful but are smart enough to know its thier opinion. i have enjoyed every kind of wild game ive ever eaten(deer, quail, elk, bear, gator, pheasant...all delicious in my opinion).

funny how often the word 'opinion' is used, huh?
I dont believe in a great creator.I am flawed in a way that makes me close minded and I rarely enjoy the company of people outside of my family and bikers.


Well-Known Member
You ARE quite a bitter person, just look at your post you are ripping me with. You start out with your first explanation as to what you are meaning and the first words out of your mouth (typing hand) are the words "I hate". THEN JUST READ MY LIPS---WE, THE MAJORITY HERE, DON'T WANT YOUR TRIPE SPEWED ON THIS SITE. All you did with this post was remark on me and then try to validate your views? Thank you for showing the rest of us you are as low as we thought. All you are doing now is justifying your own views through the put-down of others...typical of your ilk...you can't convince me you're not liberal (further talk of NOT being one proves it). Simple and to the point..JUST SHUT UP...UNLESS IT'S ABOUT WHAT THIS FORUM SITE IS ALL ABOUT: Growing and cultivating Pot. We don't want other input. And leave my Lord out of your retort thank you. You know nothing of him from what I have discerned. Other than that, I'm done with lowering myself to your very low level...OUT!
I like how you ended your rant with the Seacrest out thing lol.You can disagree with me all you want call me what ever you want but you cant tell me what to do over a computer W.W.J.D?


Well-Known Member
Getting back to cant use the tapes, You should only not be able to use them if the people who robbed you wore shirts saying they were gonna rob someone tonight. Fuckers should die, i eat and hunt meat cause i am trying to feed the bugs when i die>
hmmm gotta b sumbody u knew right??? or new that u smoked n shit? i hope it wasnt at random cause that was sum lucky guess that they hit ur place of all places...n got that kinda score...anyway that sucks bro but at least u can still plant seeds n get ur grow on


Well-Known Member
I like how you ended your rant with the Seacrest out thing lol.You can disagree with me all you want call me what ever you want but you cant tell me what to do over a computer W.W.J.D?
Typical, thinking only in your bubble (gay as it is---Seacrest. Give me a break). Out! is military....'NUFF said. OUT!


Active Member
Dude.. Take your chances in court.. Use the video evidence.. did they dust for prints? ...

It doesnt seem like he is in on it just because he went hunting.. Maybe these fucking punks were casing the place and saw him leave.. better yet...

they saw him carrying hunting equipment out to a car and said oh shit the time is now.. the question is .. how the hell do they know your growing bud and how do they know when it is mature? Did you have a bunch of plants outside growing that then were takin inside making it ovbious they were *Done*.. I just have a few more questions before i can form my opinion on exactly what happend.. even though my opinion means jack shit like everyone else here lol


Active Member
Also that is grand larcany bull fucking shit they cant use the camera as evidence.. that is total horse shit.. I hope they dusted the whole place for prints... take that shit and try your luck... i would for 20 grand some worth of pot. Get yourself the best lawyer and fight and fight and fight.. do not let them push you around you have to atleast get these assholes JAILED.. Jailed Jailed Jailed..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
man oh man lots of ? to answer. so were do i start.. it was no one i ever seen that did this. 1st safe i have ever owndso not use to checking to see ifits locked or not. friends don't no i have a safe. i only hunt for the food not the horns,that just pisses me off when they horn hunt. but hey if they happen to have a nice rack then hell i got braging rights to boot too.


Active Member
any way you can keep us updated by showing pics of their kneecaps?
btw dude sorry to hear bout ow you got robbed, make sure when you hit em back you knock some shit into them...
hope it all works out 4 ya man ;)


Well-Known Member
Get some guard dogs.Looks like they had you under survalence.Since you have them on vid,it would'nt be hard to find them, around your neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say, that the variety of hunter you just described does exist, and though they are few and far between, they serve to give the rest of us a bad name. I'm also sorry to hear that this is the type you've come into contact with.

Let me assure you, most of us are not like that. When it comes to the hunt, it isn't the "act" itself that we enjoy, it's the hunt - being in the great outdoors, being close to nature, and trying to be more wiley than the creature you are hunting, who's instincts serve to keep it alive. That is what most hunters enjoy. Most of us also live by the "One shot, one kill" creedo, regardless of what or weapon of choice is, so there is no unnessecary violence, or suffering for the animal. Do cows raised for slaughter enjoy as much consideration?

Lastly - most of us never aim at something we don't plan to use - be it for fur, or food. That is what being a responsible hunter means - not wasting what you harvest. And BTW - many of us do like venison over beef, just because you don't care for it, has nothing to do with hunting. That is like saying - they should stop growing green peppers because myself and my family hate them.

You should try and be more open minded - don't judge an entire set of people based on a few bad eggs.:peace:
well said and to each their own.


Active Member
Sorry to the OP that really sucks but something isn't right. Who in their right mind leaves 5lbs of dro in a safe with it unlocked or the door open and goes hunting. If i took the time and effort for 5 lbs I sure as fuck wouldn't forget to lock the safe.