I went to a hydroponic store.


Well-Known Member
Well today I went to a hydroponic store. The very first 1 minute there was no staffs, and what idea in my brain click in was to rack whatever i could. HAHAHAH after i thought of that idea, i turn around to look at the entrance and there was a guy in a car parking. Not sure what he was doing but it stop me from thinking of the funny idea. Anyways soon after the staff came up, a tall bloke bald. He looked as if he came back from baking a cone :-?. He was around his 20-30, iono but he didn't suspect a thing, or ask to many question. Once he asked what I wanted i just said Rock-wool and he pointed out the section. Bought a pack of small rock-wool which was 50cents each, and total was $7.50 and he discounted it for me to $5. He also asked me who were there for, and i replied for my father. He chuckled and replied "oh you look really young for this stuff". I replied i was 17, and he was very surprised because i look really young for a 17year old boy. Pretty much if a person seen me he or she will 100% assume that I'm only 12-15. Well the staff replied in a funny way like "HOLY SHIT!" or "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, because you look really young to be interested in this". What is funny is that I'm really interested in hydroponics, and i hope one day it might be my career option.
Anyways I don't think he was sus, and at least he didn't ask what was I growing. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Well today I went to a hydroponic store. The very first 1 minute there was no staffs, and what idea in my brain click in was to rack whatever i could. HAHAHAH after i thought of that idea, i turn around to look at the entrance and there was a guy in a car parking. Not sure what he was doing but it stop me from thinking of the funny idea. Anyways soon after the staff came up, a tall bloke bald. He looked as if he came back from baking a cone :-?. He was around his 20-30, iono but he didn't suspect a thing, or ask to many question. Once he asked what I wanted i just said Rock-wool and he pointed out the section. Bought a pack of small rock-wool which was 50cents each, and total was $7.50 and he discounted it for me to $5. He also asked me who were there for, and i replied for my father. He chuckled and replied "oh you look really young for this stuff". I replied i was 17, and he was very surprised because i look really young for a 17year old boy. Pretty much if a person seen me he or she will 100% assume that I'm only 12-15. Well the staff replied in a funny way like "HOLY SHIT!" or "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, because you look really young to be interested in this". What is funny is that I'm really interested in hydroponics, and i hope one day it might be my career option.
Anyways I don't think he was sus, and at least he didn't ask what was I growing. :twisted:
Expect a visit by detectives by end of week. lol just kidding, these hydro store guys would never dob u in, because in doing so they would lose the cream (cash)they get from growers and the business prob folds. They also know full well what your doing even if its for "granmas tomato plants".Relax keep going there and for fucks sake dont buy nutes online as your leaving a paper trail.


Well-Known Member
oh and u may look 14 but you throw a hundred cash on the counter at purchase and all of a sudden you look 21.


Active Member
Shoulda' just said they were for bean sprouts for a class project and you shouldn't have said you were 17 (here, not there) lol.