i will answer any question

Do bad cats go to doggie heaven??

All cats go to doggie heaven for a period of time, to be returned to normal existence until each of their nine lives is expended, then they go to water parks or are subject to infinite rides in cars. It is of course their choice.
What do you look like, describe yourself!

I am 6 foot 5. I weigh 242 lbs. I have most of my hair although it is more salt than pepper. I wear a mustach that makes me look a little silly in 2014. In my younger days I was mistaken for Frank Zappa, on rare occasions by people who actually knew him. I have a rather large nose, roman to some, to others, simply too large for my face. When I work out i have moderately broad shoulders, when I was younger I was imposing enough to indulge in altercations, I always won. I have few wrinkles on my face but they seem to be appearing more and more - hence I am considering removing all the mirrors in my home.

I often let my hair grow - and in so doing, when i get high, I tend to push my hair all over my head - people have told me I look like eintsein on a bad day, a mad scientist on a good one.

I have a soft smile that on rare occasions turns into a sinister grin. My hands are the envy of many women and my feet are as ugly as mortal sin itself. My teeth go from an off white when I bleach them to a rather brown shade when I do not. My carriage is erect as is my stance and i tend to have a commanding presence.

The women I have found least attractive have found me quite so. the women I have found most attractive have found me just short of repulsive - almost always.
do you like to take it up the ass ? do you stimulate your prostate gland ? how many times a day or week do you jack off ? lol ask me any thing. seriously .
do you like to take it up the ass ? do you stimulate your prostate gland ? how many times a day or week do you jack off ? lol ask me any thing. seriously .

I have tried it and am not enamored of it. I do not nor has any woman I have been with commensed it, I have not invited it. I am blessed with a woman who will have sex with me at any time, in any way, no objections ever. Therefore, I suppose I "jack off" about once every several months.