I will no longer trim before hanging..for real try it...way better...

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I have found the opposite. If I hang an entire plant it takes about 3 weeks to get kinda dry with correct humidity and fan air movement. I also find you leave more leaf which gives a harsher tatse. i prefer to trim right at cut then hang the entire plant trim. Then in about 7 days its ready for final clean up then into jars for no less then 30 days to become rock hard and frosty white with crystals.
is 66* degrees during the day with lights off and heater on with timer and thermostat, and in the 70's at night with the lights on,and heater off.

are my temps to high to dry my finished plants, in the same room as my grow rooms, using this method of leaving the plants un-trimmed, and hanging them until they are dry.
is 66* degrees during the day with lights off and heater on with timer and thermostat, and in the 70's at night with the lights on,and heater off.

are my temps to high to dry my finished plants, in the same room as my grow rooms, using this method of leaving the plants un-trimmed, and hanging them until they are dry.

You want darkness when drying so I wouldn't put them in the room with the lights on.
I have two grow rooms, with in one room, I flower in one and veg in the other, I'm flowering right now, the cut plant is hanging in the dark, not in use veg room, my heater is set at 66* for 12 hours a day, then my hps heats the rooms the other 12 hours, thats why I asked if 66*degrees during the day and in the 70's at night, is ok to dry un-trimmed plants, cause I got one hanging, and four more finishing up, going to cut them soon.
i live in a very dry climate so this method of hanging the entire plant works great for me, it helps stretch out the drying process for a few extra days and makes a world of difference.
There is no reason to be an asshole. I'm just not seeing the facts.
Do you think opinions are facts? Then lol right back at you Big Fella. It is an anonymous blog post, lol.

Your inability to see the difference between opinions and facts is strange.

It sounds like the opinion of one person.
Is it a fact that plants turn out better if they are hung upside down?

He says to save the fan leaves to make hash. lol, who does that?
He says, "The stems should snap when you bend them." That is a bit misleading and may have caused some people to dry their weed too long.
"Just put as much bud in it (the jar) as possible using light pressure."
That is a bad idea, the lower buds will not finish as fast as the ones on top. I have never heard anyone advise that. factual? lol.
"Any excess moisture at this point will invite mold." That is not correct if it were dried properly.

He suggests putting your weed in the refrigerator, lol. Then he suggests storing weed in a freezer.
If you think this guy has written an article that is factual, sweet for you. enjoy your shitty tasting, freezer bud.

As I said, I cured a couple plants one with sugar leaves on and the other without. I did not do it to see if there is a difference, it just worked out that way. I didn't notice any difference. i also gave a couple solid reasons to trim wet. i didn't say one was better than the other, i was just pointing out my experience.

The second article is another blog post. It talks about flushing with pure water for at least a week, which is definitely not a fact. I assume he is talking about soil, but it is not clear in his opinion piece.
He only talks about drying and then smoking it. He doesn't really talk about curing.

If you want to believe those as fact, sweet for you.

Again, if you were smart enough to understand my post, you would not have been such a jackass. I did not say that drying with the leaves on is not a good idea, I just said in my experience I did not notice a difference.

Maybe once I get a nice large supply of bubble hash, I'll try, again, drying with leaves on. If it makes my weed slightly better, great!
My weed smells great and is cured perfectly. I'll be sure to contact you with the results, except I'll lie to you.

I can only agree with this.

Mr. green thumb is extremely provocative sometimes and acts like a child when you don't agree with him.
But to state that the two links to blog posts, which have NO references or sources with evidence, are factual and scientific is simply stupidity.

It's good to see you stand up for yourself Trousers, because you shouldn't take in that kind of immature behavior or give it any validity.
The behavior of green thumb is quite frankly despicable, and his claim of "facts" is outrageous and false.
There are no facts, scientific evidence or proper research posted on those sites he linked to.
To make it perfectly clear: those sites are filled with personal opinions from random people, no references, no sources = no credibility whatsoever.

The amount of shite written in those blog posts is quite astounding and the fact that not one scientific study is quoted or referenced to just makes it clear for any rational person how stupid it really is.
And more so, I think green thumb knows this, because he hasn't replied to your post even though it's been nearly 20 days now.

Those blogs represent opinionated writings of some anonymous person on the web, like the thousands of other worthless sites filled with shitty information based solely on the persons personal beliefs.
Those opinions are good for nothing.
We're dealing with science here, we don't value personal opinion, and I'm glad to see someone stand up for science in this situation.
I can only agree with this.

Mr. green thumb is extremely provocative sometimes and acts like a child when you don't agree with him.
But to state that the two links to blog posts, which have NO references or sources with evidence, are factual and scientific is simply stupidity.

It's good to see you stand up for yourself Trousers, because you shouldn't take in that kind of immature behavior or give it any validity.
The behavior of green thumb is quite frankly despicable, and his claim of "facts" is outrageous and false.
There are no facts, scientific evidence or proper research posted on those sites he linked to.
To make it perfectly clear: those sites are filled with personal opinions from random people, no references, no sources = no credibility whatsoever.

The amount of shite written in those blog posts is quite astounding and the fact that not one scientific study is quoted or referenced to just makes it clear for any rational person how stupid it really is.
And more so, I think green thumb knows this, because he hasn't replied to your post even though it's been nearly 20 days now.

Those blogs represent opinionated writings of some anonymous person on the web, like the thousands of other worthless sites filled with shitty information based solely on the persons personal beliefs.
Those opinions are good for nothing.
We're dealing with science here, we don't value personal opinion, and I'm glad to see someone stand up for science in this situation.

I'm to busy making $ and large harvest to play with you guys anymore that's why I have not replied.

All I have to say if screw your science facts. Talk to growers and you'll learn to grow. Talk to scientists and you will learn about a plant and its functions. But if something cant be backed up by scientific facts then it must be false? Wrong. Books on growing weed were written from collective statements of MANY GROWERS not scientists. Kiss my ass with your difficult scientific procedures. The whole plant method works better then any with the most consistency. All you have to do is read the thread I have and everyone that tries each way ends up liking drying the plant whole.

BTW your post was very childish I am not the immature one. I have been trying to ignore you guys and your last post was to do nothing but provoke me. Well, it worked. Now you have me wasting my time with you kiddies.
k0ijn you've been moving for ever, whats up? Go grow some weed or move your stuff and leave me alone I cant even stand to read your posts and the way to talk "quite frankly despicable" "quite astounding" "We're dealing with science here" LOL this is quite funny, lmao! I could go on and on, all I would have to do is go threw your post's. You sound like such a nerd. Your only a mod because of where you live, I will keep that to myself, but your not even a real grower. There is no science needed to grow good weed. Now go get your stuff moved and get back to practicing. And honestly that newb Trousers isn't even worth my time. Just read his started threads...what a goober newber.
I'm to busy making $ and large harvest to play with you guys anymore that's why I have not replied.

Yet somehow you found time to write numerous other posts on various parts of the forum in the meantime.
So I'll take that for what it is, a poor excuse from a liar.

All I have to say if screw your science facts. Talk to growers and you'll learn to grow. Talk to scientists and you will learn about a plant and its functions. But if something cant be backed up by scientific facts then it must be false? Wrong. Books on growing weed were written from collective statements of MANY GROWERS not scientists. Kiss my ass with your difficult scientific procedures. The whole plant method works better then any with the most consistency. All you have to do is read the thread I have and everyone that tries each way ends up liking drying the plant whole.

Yeah, cause all growers know how to grow right? :lol:
Why do you think we even use science in the first place?
And since you are screwing science, are you also giving up using nutrients?
What about your lighting, giving that up too?

The thread you started is plagiarizing material from several other threads on this forum alone, and the web. You didn't come up with it.
Nor is it anything new, many growers dry their weed in branches or using the whole plant hanging.

BTW your post was very childish I am not the immature one. I have been trying to ignore you guys and your last post was to do nothing but provoke me. Well, it worked. Now you have me wasting my time with you kiddies.
k0ijn you've been moving for ever, whats up? Go grow some weed or move your stuff and leave me alone I cant even stand to read your posts and the way to talk "quite frankly despicable" "quite astounding" "We're dealing with science here" LOL this is quite funny, lmao! I could go on and on, all I would have to do is go threw your post's. You sound like such a nerd. Your only a mod because of where you live, I will keep that to myself, but your not even a real grower. There is no science needed to grow good weed. Now go get your stuff moved and get back to practicing. And honestly that newb Trousers isn't even worth my time. Just read his started threads...what a goober newber.

No, believe it or not I didn't write that to provoke you, I wrote it to make fun of how you provoke people, without reason.
You started this shit by laughing at Trousers for his post and for posting your insane nonsense about how two anonymous blog posts show "facts.

You wouldn't know what the word facts meant if you had a dictionary in front of you.

You talk about "fuck science" yet you make arguments in which you invoke facts (which are completely fake btw) and make it sound like you know the facts.
It's ridiculous, I haven't seen double standards like this in a long time. You have no fucking credibility.

I bet you don't know, since you live with your parents, but sometimes it takes months to move and get settled in.
And now you're picking on proper grammar and syntax? Do I sense projection of your embarrassment of your own grammar? I think I do.
You can go "threw" my post (rofl) all you want, I don't mind :)
I don't mind sounding like a nerd, if the alternative is to sound like you, an ignorant rager.

Now I'm only a mod because of where I live? You don't even know where I live lol, and I'm one of the only international mods on this forum so your brilliant logic fails you yet again, even though you tried really hard to make sense.

I'm a mod because I want to help people and because I can give some time to do so.
You on the other hand spend your time taking material from other sources, claim it's your own, make fun of random people for no reason and claim you know all the facts and the only references you have are two anonymous blogs with no links to any credible scientific sources.

And then after claiming your facts you discredit science saying we don't need it.
Which is probably the most ignorant statement put on this forum this month (maybe even this year).
as long as you do not get lots of little leaves stuck to the buds i guess its ok
i prefer to trim some of the leaves off before drying , you can control the speed at which they dry more accurately with temp
than leaving leaves on or not
i just do not like any leaf in my finished bud, i feel it spoils the taste , letting nasty little leaves squash into the buds is a no no for me, these leaves will only be discarded anyway
best to get them out the way before they can do any harm
i know others are not so fussy and do not mind smoking these little leaves, or use them to make something more palatable each to their own

peace :)
I'm deleting your comments because you insist on behaving like a child and taking it off topic.

Calling me a faggot, is not 'proving me wrong'.
That just gets your posts deleted.
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