I wonder how many members of RIU are actually growing, just nosy, or curious about it


Well-Known Member
People are too paranoid. If it's a med state and your in your limits cops won't do anything. And the dea wants the big fish. Wherhouse growers. Not the small timers with 1-15 plants. And if your not in a med state you need to be safer. But cops got alot better things to do then search world wide sites to fish for the guy with 2 plants in the closet. Only way they will bust you is you talk to damn much. Grow to much or do something eles illegal to get arrested and searched. Growing for yourself is safer then going out a buying bags every week. After awhile you will get busted for possession.


Active Member
i agree with the last few comments..its a med state here too n my wife n i have our cards and dont go over the limit, but i was growin before n wasnt even that worried cuz im not gotta big warehouse goin or nothin and dont tell n e one.....and yes as i read a min ago WAY EASIER then dealin with dealers....


Well-Known Member
I agree with warlock haven't heard of a bust around me in a few years, and the one that did get busted i happen to know and know why he got busted.Just so happened he had a fight with the ole lady and two days later he gets a visit from an anoym. tip imagine that.Cops really don't have the resources to sit and search the web and the ones that are watching are looking for child porn shit. (and hope they catch every one of the sick fuckers).People get busted because of who they tell not because the cops are smart enough to find them plain and simple.


Active Member
True fuckin that! Every time ive ever been "busted" regardless of what is was whether illegal or legal its always a bitch ass rat tellin or talkin.


Well-Known Member
its not legal here, so i would never ever do it. ;-)
ahh cmon, i personally know there nuthing wrong with growing, and i think i might be willing to be arrested for it bc its a passion of mine that i love, and if im to be jailed for cultivating a plant that brings me wellness and happiness, then so be it. id love to be in a med state to not worry about it, and will be when i have the means to do so, but i refuse to accept and follow what i and many others know is a bullshit law, while living in a non med state. i go by what i know is right and moral, not legal and illegal,


Well-Known Member
While I love civil disobedience, the effects of a drug conviction with intent to distribute(which is what you're going to get charged with if they catch you growing) can prevent people from going to college, getting jobs, etc. In the end it's all a risk vs. rewards thing. That and and least in my state intent to distribute gets you a minimum of 10 years in jail. I also will move to a med state as soon as I get the means, growing/smoking cannabis being a victimless crime and all the law is retarded.


Well-Known Member
We are the “pagans,” “savages,” “uncouth barbarians,” “unbelievers,” “effete degenerates,” “ritual outlaws,” “racial inferiors,” “class antagonists,” “counterrevolutionaries,” and so on.
They conduct campaigns of vilification and dehumanization of us, attempting to impose conformity to an ideology and its model of society.
We are imprisoned, tortured, killed, denied education and employment, have our children kidnaped and our property stolen.
We are a group that is being victimize because of our common cultural background.
It is the deliberate and systematic destruction of us and our way of life.


Well-Known Member
While I love civil disobedience, the effects of a drug conviction with intent to distribute(which is what you're going to get charged with if they catch you growing) can prevent people from going to college, getting jobs, etc. In the end it's all a risk vs. rewards thing. That and and least in my state intent to distribute gets you a minimum of 10 years in jail. I also will move to a med state as soon as I get the means, growing/smoking cannabis being a victimless crime and all the law is retarded.
yea, but if you are growing for personal use then you probably don't have more than 2-4 plants at once. i don't think you are getting any SERIOUS charges levied against you. i don't know though. just seems all the guys who get busted for a few plants get probabtion and a fine at best.


Well-Known Member
yea, but if you are growing for personal use then you probably don't have more than 2-4 plants at once. i don't think you are getting any SERIOUS charges levied against you. i don't know though. just seems all the guys who get busted for a few plants get probabtion and a fine at best.
i looked up the law in my state cuz sum1 sent me this useful link, now let me see if i can get it.. http://norml.org/laws here we go, any way, the way they rele fuck u is through possession in large amounts(usually over a lb) and trafficking and selling, but cultivating itself, a misdimeanor punishable by a maximum of a $1000 fine, or a year in jail. but i wonder, if they catch u with flowering plants, do they count that as possession, and intent to sell, cuz i know they try to screw ya as much as they can,


Well-Known Member
i looked up the law in my state cuz sum1 sent me this useful link, now let me see if i can get it.. http://norml.org/laws here we go, any way, the way they rele fuck u is through possession in large amounts(usually over a lb) and trafficking and selling, but cultivating itself, a misdimeanor punishable by a maximum of a $1000 fine, or a year in jail. but i wonder, if they catch u with flowering plants, do they count that as possession, and intent to sell, cuz i know they try to screw ya as much as they can,
I can have 99 plants. So I use every bit of that. Keep 15 in flower at all times I bring down anywhere from 2.5-4 lbs every 8 weeks. In me car I can have 1lbs. Just never brake it down. In jars is fine for cure but if I move a lbs. It's all in 1 bag and no scale or baggies. So I'm legal and no way to prove I was going to distribute it.


Well-Known Member
More than 10,000 lbsfelony15 - 30 years$ 1,000,000
Just some random math: There's 160,000 ounces in 10k pounds, at $250(for easy numbers) per oz that's 40 mil brah.
Good find on that link. Always wondered what the laws in my state were.


Well-Known Member
yea, but if you are growing for personal use then you probably don't have more than 2-4 plants at once. i don't think you are getting any SERIOUS charges levied against you. i don't know though. just seems all the guys who get busted for a few plants get probabtion and a fine at best.
It only seems that way because those are the ones you know about.

3 years mandatory for 1 plant.

1 oz - 5 lbs (less than 10 plants)felony3* - 5 years$ 25,000
5 - 25 lbs (10 - 49 plants)felony5* - 10 years$ 150,000
More than 25 lbs (50 plants or more)felony10* - 20 years$ 300,000
* Mandatory minimum sentence
[h=5]MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCE[/h]When someone is convicted of an offense punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence, the judge must sentence the defendant to the mandatory minimum sentence or to a higher sentence. The judge has no power to sentence the defendant to less time than the mandatory minimum. A prisoner serving an MMS for a federal offense and for most state offenses will not be eligible for parole. Even peaceful marijuana smokers sentenced to "life MMS" must serve a life sentence with no chance of parole.



Active Member
Yikes...! Its funny how they figure their numbers when determining "street value". I had some friends get busted for distribution of mdma years ago and the math the feds conjured up was like 10x what was going on and everything else they were accused of was deamatically increased.


Active Member
I've been a legal grower for about 9 years (CDN med patient). We (my two partners and myself.. ALL legal) are currently licensed for 75 plants... soon to be boosted to 100 plants.



Active Member
living ina med state is nice but when renewals are due its like, man its been a year already? time flies when your growin lol


Well-Known Member
It only seems that way because those are the ones you know about.

3 years mandatory for 1 plant.

1 oz - 5 lbs (less than 10 plants)felony3* - 5 years$ 25,000
5 - 25 lbs (10 - 49 plants)felony5* - 10 years$ 150,000
More than 25 lbs (50 plants or more)felony10* - 20 years$ 300,000
* Mandatory minimum sentence

When someone is convicted of an offense punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence, the judge must sentence the defendant to the mandatory minimum sentence or to a higher sentence. The judge has no power to sentence the defendant to less time than the mandatory minimum. A prisoner serving an MMS for a federal offense and for most state offenses will not be eligible for parole. Even peaceful marijuana smokers sentenced to "life MMS" must serve a life sentence with no chance of parole.

Those are some harsh, harsh laws man even in the UK under a Conservative government, we have recently had new legislation/sentencing guidelines that 'allows' up to 9 plants or 10oz for personal use and if you get caught with that you'll most likely get a fine and a slap on the wrist, or if your unlucky community service if not a full dismissal if you can genuinely prove it's medicinal :D

Makes me feel kinda better that we're not getting fucked as hard as America lol ;)


Well-Known Member
I joined before I started growing indoors, but I had been growing a plant or two outdoors over the years since I was a 14-15 years old. I'm 31 now. I started off on here trying to find a legitimate company to buy beans from, because my 1st try was a rip off.