I wonder if this is an azatrol death or a parasitic wasp surrogate...


Active Member
During watering today I looked under the hood and found this little gem. I do not see movement, but have placed it in a mason jar to examine it over the next few days.caterpillar down.jpg

I did a 1oz/1gal ratio of azatrol with 1.75gal per each plant 3 days ago.
Is that webbing around it? Something pupating then, I don't think wasps web their surrogates. Azatrol might not have affected this if it didn't eat any. Ventilate the jar if you want to see any life, either way.
So you think a bunch of little wasp larvae are gonna eat that thing from the inside out?

Yuck. Kill it with fire. I know truth is stranger than fiction, but parasitic wasps creep me out.
Is that webbing around it? Something pupating then, I don't think wasps web their surrogates. Azatrol might not have affected this if it didn't eat any. Ventilate the jar if you want to see any life, either way.

The web is the caterpillars normal cocoon. The meat wasps lay eggs in the caterpillar or on the surface of it, they then kill the grub and eat it from inside.
it's a surprise inside

So.... The Caterpillar was a surrogate. It had about 200+ tiny black wasps that I re-released into the garden after determining and documenting their life cycle. The pictures are a bit blurry and I am trying to find my macro camera.