I wonder if...


Well-Known Member
So after reading alot about putting fish/dead animals under your plants for nuteage, I got to thinking... I wonder if when you died it would be possible to arrange for your corpse to be released to your friends, then they could go bury you somewhere and throw some seeds in the ground and then you could live on eternally as a 30 foot tall monster marijuana plant harvested seasonally to get the world high! I would so do that!

Then after thinking further on the subject I got to thinking about writing a gangster movie about a druglord who kills all his enemies/competition and grows his product on top of the bodies! Plus! He names his strains after the guy its planted over! Get ya some Donnie diesel, Carlos Kush, Harry Haze! Lol man I'm high right now! :eyesmoke:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So after reading alot about putting fish/dead animals under your plants for nuteage, I got to thinking... I wonder if when you died it would be possible to arrange for your corpse to be released to your friends, then they could go bury you somewhere and throw some seeds in the ground and then you could live on eternally as a 30 foot tall monster marijuana plant harvested seasonally to get the world high! I would so do that!

Then after thinking further on the subject I got to thinking about writing a gangster movie about a druglord who kills all his enemies/competition and grows his product on top of the bodies! Plus! He names his strains after the guy its planted over! Get ya some Donnie diesel, Carlos Kush, Harry Haze! Lol man I'm high right now! :eyesmoke:
yep id sayso..LOL


Active Member
Kinda morbid, to say the least.

I don't know about you, but I don't know if I feel comfortable smoking a blunt, knowing that the weed sucked the nutrients out of my friends skull. But hey, that's me.