I wonder what this is?? (pics)


Got a batch of 5 auto blueberrys. 2 wouldn't germinate. 2 went fine and got about 1oz of each. But the other one which is now 10 weeks old and nearly 5ft tall looks like this. I'm gonna put it into flower soon and see what happens. I wonder what it is???



Active Member
cant really tell lol..... is that a attic. 150$ and you can spray some cellouse insulation into it to save money on your heating bill. What nutrients are those in the background? Whats your mix for feeding it? Can you provide more pics? something in reference to show height? leaves look kinda small from this distance. I could be wrong but ive seen that with heat in one of my batches. Whats your setup and what type of lighting are you using. more pics and more info really helps. im kinda wondering. also how large is that pot size that you have?


Active Member
looks like some sativa??blueberry is like 20 percent thai sativa, maybe it took after its sativa parent???????
love and respect!!


Well-Known Member
How much headroom does your grow area have? As a 5ft tall plant is gonna end up huge after flowering :-o :-D


As it's never flowered I've just been using bio bizz grow. I'm now upto the full feedof 5ml to every litre of water. I will start on the bio bloom and top max once and if it flowers. I'm using a 600wt hps bulb. Yeah it is an attic grow but I'm lucky enough to have trees all around my house so the temps stay nice and low. It's in a 7ltr pot but I'm gonna have to change that before I change the light cycle. What do u recommend to change to? Yeah the leaves are very long and thin. Nothing like the other blueberrys that I grew. I will get a few more close up pics later today. I just hope it turns out to be female. Oh and my grow room size is 10ft by 10ft by 8ft. I think I'm gonna have to do some lst with it as it's gonna be huge lol.


Active Member
i'm intrested to see what happens too! i was just wondering if you have proper venting going on in there? in that pic you got up it looks like some of those leaves might be curling and getting soft??? if so you must get ventalation to keep the temps down and the humidity low..


Yep don't worry I'll keep u posted. I'm just as intrested to see what happens as u guys. Just to let u know my temps are allways around 70 at night and around 80 during the day. The pic of my extractor is down below. Which is connected to a carbon filter. I also have a fan in the room. Here is a couple more picS of the monster as promised.

that is seven 5 litre pots standing next to it lol. I'll be going into flower next week. Fingers crossed it's a female.


What is your Rh in there? There is not alot of surface area on those leaves.
It varies between 35 and 45. This plant is nothing like anything else I've grown. As u say the leaves are very thin and long. But there's alot of them. I just wish I knew what plant it is. I suspect it just some random seed that made it's way into my order.


Well-Known Member
Just looks like a week seed, never know it may bud hard!

Out of every 10 seeds you will always get one with deformed leafs and all stuff ugly about it but its just nature survival of the fittest, normal plants like them would die without care. It looks like its massive though and i think the thin ness of them leafs will actually be very good for light to be able to hit the inside :)

Looking positive so far! 7 litre pot for that thing? Dont you want to go a little bigger? Thats huge! What is it in at the moment? It may have a crazy root system like a plant i grew a while back, infact the leaves were kinda like that but i let it go as a seedling, always droopy leaves and ugly looking but the roots were fuckin immense! I Wonder if some plants have extra crazy roots and need a vast amount of soil otherwise they look like that


Yeah Im gonna be moving it to a larger pot before I start to flower. What sort of size do I think will do me until the end? I was thinking of using a 12 litre ?? It now stands just over 4ft tall and is in a 7litre pot. Glad I haven't wasted my time on this one. I just can't wait to see it flower now lol.


Well-Known Member
Fingers Super Crossed that it's a Girl!!!!!! It would be a shame if it werent!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a Beast!



Ok guys just an update. I have been on 12/12 for nearly 4 weeks now. I'm a little worried as there's still no signs of flowers. This is only my 2nd grow so it's all a little new to me still. If I've read right a female will shoot out little pistol like shoots?? Well if that's correct then that happened about 2 weeks ago. But since then nothing. It's just growing more sets of leaves. Is this gonna be some weird mutant that never flowers?? My other question is will it cause any problems to my other plants in the same room? Here's a couple of bad quality pics lol. Any help will be most grateful.
